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Enjoying delicious food in Frankfurt - The climate gourmet week invites

07.09.2018 | 08:47 Clock | Enjoyment
Enjoying delicious food in Frankfurt - The climate gourmet week invites
Enjoying delicious food in Frankfurt - The climate gourmet week invites
Enjoying delicious food in Frankfurt - The climate gourmet week invites

Are you gourmets? Well I for one can really enjoy good food. Just take mozzarella with tomatoes and basil - plain, simple and yet so delicious. I can polish off a plate of this every day and every week. Which is pretty close to reality, too. Indulgence, for me personally, does not include variety. Give mine a carrot and my life is colorful. But please don't misunderstand the carrot nibbling now. Fresh enjoyment is something different for everyone. And food is also very much connected with personal memories: my grandparents taught me early on to produce carrot juice myself. With a machine that made an awful lot of noise. The noise thing hasn't changed to this day, except that the machines now shine pretty in chrome.

Simple to prepare, simple ingredients

It can be said quite clearly: food is a fine thing, isn't it? Some even consider preparing it to be something magical. Eating or preparing? Which team are you? For me it is quite clear: I prefer to eat the delicacies than to stand at the stove and brutzele. Although that can be a different matter on holiday. So it's definitely an everyday thing with me. Shopping for ingredients, however, is always special for me, too, due to the <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping frankfurts-wochenmaerkte-mehr-als-nur-einkaufen.html _blank>charm of the weekly markets I wrote about last week!

Shop local and protect the climate

More than clearly, summer has caught and knocked this year. Rather, the heat. If I hadn't been interested in climate change until now, the heat would have been more than a wake-up call for me.

Since then, I've wanted to know specifically what I can do in my small, individual universe to protect the environment more. And this is where Climate Gourmet Week comes in, to show the connection between "food and climate". Because I've been asking myself for a long time which paths lead to a climate-friendly, sustainable, regional, seasonal and fair diet.

Enjoying sustainably is not a contradiction

What that is in detail, <link https: ueber-klimagourmet wissen _blank>you can read in more detail here. The most important summarized on the topic of food - I can inform myself about sustainable enjoyment and in a cooking class with a lot of fun finally learn what food and ingredients on the plate mean for our climate. I also find the programme point exciting: organic food for the small purse. I will also remember what my grandmother already knew: only seasonal produce goes into the pot. So, what doesn't grow here in the region in winter doesn't make it onto the table. My grandma cooked like crazy. In the future I will use the freezer.

Whether shopping with the cargo bike, sun espressi or bee workshop and bike tour through 100 years of allotment gardens - the climate gourmet week has something for every taste. So it is definitely worth taking part. And if you are really in the mood after the end of the Climate Gourmet Week, you might feel like nature, climate protection and gardening?

The city of Frankfurt offers the free opportunity to <link https: sixcms _blank>lease a meadow orchard: Meadow mowing, tree trimming and watering - what a glorious prospect to be able to live close to nature in the city so healthily. So, if you ask me -autumn can come.

Climate Gourmet Week: 13-23. September 2018

Frankfurt's weekly markets - More than just shopping
Modern training ideas: Fit and healthy in Frankfurt