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Frisch ans Wasser - Quellenwanderweg im Osten mit 6 Stationen

17.02.2017 | 12:40 Clock | Frankfurt
Frisch ans Wasser - Quellenwanderweg im Osten mit 6 Stationen
Frisch ans Wasser - Quellenwanderweg im Osten mit 6 Stationen

Frankfurt is only city, but not country or even water and river? All wrong. Known how is the solution And if you've recently gotten on the dog like me, you'll find water too. Or a lot of new things. The new is so spectacular that I wanted to share it with you today. Because the weather is more promising, at least less cold and even sunny. Not that dog owners should be impressed by that. :-)

Anyway, I recently discovered water on the Lohrberg! Not that I dug it up myself. But natural springs, streams, ditches and still waters? When do you normally come across them? In Frankfurt, you'll even find a spring hiking trail between Seckbach and Bergen-Enkheim of about six kilometers as part of the greenbelt: but one thing at a time.

So at Lohrberg, countless springs spring up because rainwater meets limestone and calcareous clay. The result is swamps that grow around tall-grass bark like the one in the picture above. But the springs don't just bubble away. No, when water crosses over, it flows into a stream. All this is wonderful and exciting, like on the "Sendung mit der Maus" for children and curious adults, explained by the "Äppler Haus am Lohrberg".

So, we are among ourselves here: for years I had no idea whatsoever how great the Lohrberg is. So for those who haven't been up there yet - I missed out on a lot of relaxation and experiences. Don't make the same mistake, get in your hiking boots and fresh to the water!


*Sausee in Seckbach

*Alteborn in Seckbach, has been exposed

.*Judenborn at the boundary of the district Seckbach/Bergen-Enkheim

* Nature reserve Enkheimer Ried

*Lake in the forest near Fechenheim


A hiking map is available from the Bergen-Enkheim Citizens' Office, Marktstraße 30, the Environmental Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main at 069/212-39100 or the Museum of the Culture and History Association 1954 in Seckbach, Wilhelmshöher Straße 154. Or view an overview here.

<link https: sixcms _blank>Even more oxbow lakes, ponds and lakes have also been compiled by the city of Frankfurt.

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