415th Bernemer Kerb

This event has already taken place!
Bornheim St. John's Church (fairground)
Event dates:
10.08.2019 - 11:30 Clock (Saturday)
11.08.2019 - 10:00 Clock (Sunday)
12.08.2019 - 12:00 Clock (Monday)
14.08.2019 - 13:00 Clock (Wednesday)
Entry: Admission free
Turmstraße 21
60385 Frankfurt am Main

The beautiful district of Bornheim is one of the most popular districts of Frankfurt, not least because of Berger Strasse. And so the "Bernemer" also do not miss it, year after year to celebrate their district properly. Also this year, the popular "Bernemer Kerb" will take place from August 12 - 17 on the fairground at the "Zwiwwelkerch" (Turmstraße).

That's the good news. The even better news: after the slimmed-down version last year, the 415th (!) Bernemer Kerb will take place almost again in the usual form. The Blues & Folk Night will take place again (Aug. 12), unlike the popular Bernemer Wednesday, which will have to be cancelled once again in 2022. The procession on Saturday through Bornheim's streets, on the other hand, will again be held in its usual form, as will the erection of the Kerbebaum. The traditional "Gickelschmiss" will also take place this year on Sunday (14.08.) after the ecumenical service. On 17.8. the funeral procession and the Lisbethverbrennung finish this edition of the Kerb, which is accompanied on the event days of Kerbetreiben throughout Bernem.


17th Bernem Blues & Folk Night, 12.08.22
17:00 - Opening of the Kerbeplatz afterwards live music
18:00 - Blues Power
19:00 - Ringing in the Kerb in the restaurants and pubs in the fun village.
20:00 clock - Nobby Stiles Blues Band

Kerbesamstag, 13.08.22
11:30 clock - Setting up the Kerbebaum - meanwhile Baumschoppen - drinks at reduced prices until the tree stands.
13:00 - Big Time
12:00 to 16:00 clock - Children's Festival with the volunteer fire department Seckbach
17:00 clock - Great parade through the streets of Bornheim. Procession route: Saalburgstraße -> Ringelstraße -> Mainkurstraße -> Roßdorfer Straße -> Eichwaldstraße -> Berger Straße ->Bornheim Mitte -> Berger Straße -> Große Spillingsgasse ->. Festplatz am Johanniskirchplatz -> Kleine Spillingsgasse -> Eulengasse
18:45 clock - Official opening of the Bernemer Kerb with keg beer tapping by a guest of honor and Anböllern by the 1. Frankfurter Böllerschützen
19:00 clock - Nuwanda "The Voice of Rock'n'Roll"

Kerbesonntag, 14.08.22
10:00 - Ecumenical service at St. John's Church
12:00 to 16:00 - Children's festival with the volunteer fire department Seckbach
11:30 - Frühschoppen with the "Musikzug Niederissigheim"
12:00 to 16:00 clock - Children's party with the volunteer fire department Seckbach
14:30 clock - Early Bird & Night Owl
5:00 pm - Gickelschmiss
19:00 clock - Roy Hammer & the Pralinées

Monday, 15.08.22
12:00 am - Frühschoppen der Kerbeburschen in einer Gastwirtschaft in Bernem
16:00 - Ladies evening with "coffee and cake" & More with the Kerbemädchen in an inn in Bernem.

Bernemer Mitwoch 17.08.22

21:45 - Funeral procession on Berger Street followed by Lisbeth burning - The official end of the Bernemer Kerb. The funeral march will be accompanied by "Petite Fleur Jazz & Blues Band".

In the period from 12.08.2022 to 17.08.2022 reigns Kerbetreiben throughout Bernem, especially at the High Fountain and at the Fünffingerplätzchen.

January 2025
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