Frankfurter Wandeltage 2024 - Kick-off event

Discover sustainability in action throughout Frankfurt!
Event dates:
Entry: Free
Hasengasse 4
60311 Frankfurt am Main

The Frankfurter Wandeltage 2024 will start with a kick-off event in the Frankfurt Central Library.

This is what you can expect:

1) Welcome and presentation of the Wandeltage

2) Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Flurina Schneider from ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research & Goethe University Frankfurt:

"Die Klimawende: How we can turn the corner after all"

3) Impulse from Plant-for-the-Planet:

"Plants for the planet - children stand up for climate justice!"

4) Project presentation "SMART GREEN BOX - New solutions for the homeless" by Susanne Petry from PIER F

And with us as special guest: "Ampere Theater" - improvisational theater

Frankfurter Wandeltage 2024 - Kick-off event
September 2024
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