Poesie im Park - Eine Art Festival
From August 9 to 11, 2024, Biebrich Palace Park will be transformed into a place full of art, culture and magic! "Poetry in the Park - a kind of festival" will take place under the motto "We're already in the park, have set ourselves up and are waiting for you!"
This year, everything revolves around the theme of "Forest". Experience the connection between man and nature, immerse yourself in the world of art and let yourself be amazed, linger and enjoy.
When: Friday, August 09 to Sunday, 11. August 2024
Where: Schlosspark, Didierstr. 9, 65203 Wiesbaden
Admission: Free of charge
Artificial turf:
Ed Baga // Florence Diedert // Thomas Sterna // Udo W. Gottfried // Frank Müller // WALD F16 XV/3938/55 // Pit Klesius // Berit Spiess // Andreas Bausch // Manocheher Mortazavi // Christiane Steitz // Nicola Schößler
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the visual axis between the castle and the pond.
The opening will take place on Friday at 4 pm. The artists will be present.
Fridays 16-22 h
16:00 h // The guided tour and presentation of this year's artists on the "art lawn" (visual axis between the castle and the pond).
The music program on the Mammoth Stage (near the Orangery):
5:00 pm // Open Stage under the Valhalla-in-Exile motto: Always Friday
6:45 pm: // Max & Wax (almost like Simon an Garfunkel)
8:30pm // Le Marmalade du Montage (Brass-Brass-Brass-Band from Wiesbaden)
Samstags 14—22 Uhr
14:00 h // Xhol Caravan (Krautrock meets Progressive meets Jazz meets Psychedelic)
Parking program: the parking program points are not yet fully timed.
Walking act: in the bays, the niches and everywhere: Mo // Mr. von Bauch // Forest Work // Reading Forest // QiGong Club Wiesbaden /// Theater 3 D // Leseforst // Citizen K.-Kafka im Park // Charlie und Charly // Brandstifter (Dada-Fluxus-Unikat) // Den Bäumen ein Gesicht geben mit Esther Bender/p>
3 pm // Park tour by and with Katrin Schwedler (start at the north entrance)
3 pm // The Florence Auf-Foster Jenkins Singing Circle
15:30 & 17:10 pm // For all the forest the trees with Daniela Daub and Tanna Künemund
// alongside, simultaneously and in parallel, the PiP ensemble will always endeavor to contribute diligently to reforestation with its forest work.
/// On and around the "Social Platform" (which will be installed as a "social sculpture" on the artificial turf), in addition to the exhibited artistic works and actions, there will be the opportunity to "live out" artistically, ad hoc and on site, in word and deed (a kind of colorful Hide Park Corner ...).
18:00 // Für Gaderobe Keine Haftung-Improtheater
19:00 // Abass and Friends finest reggae from FFM
20:30 pm // Theodor rich psychedelic sweet soul (Darmstadt)
Sundays 12-18 h
12 h // Matinée of the MBR BigBandon the Mammoth Stage
Park program (the park program points are not yet fully timed)
Walking Act: In the bays, the alcoves and everywhere: Mo // Mr. von Bauch // Forest Work // Reading Forest // QiGong Club Wiesbaden /// Theater 3 D // Leseforst // Citizen K.-Kafka im Park // Charlie und Charly // Brandstifter (Dada-Fluxus-Unikat) // Den Bäumen ein Gesicht geben with Esther Bender
15 hrs // Park tour by and with Katrin Schwedler (start at the north entrance)
13:30 pm // The Florence Auf-Foster Jenkins Singing Circle
14:00 pm // Christiane Müller-Märchen & songs
// alongside this, the PiP ensemble will simultaneously and in parallel always endeavor to contribute diligently to reforestation with its forestry work.
// On and around the "Social Platform" (which will be installed as a "social sculpture" on the artificial turf), in addition to the exhibited artistic works and actions, there will be the opportunity to "live out" artistically in word and deed, ad hoc and on site (a kind of colorful Hide-Park-Corner ...).
The finale on the Mammutbühne (near the Orangerie):
17:00 pm // Sabine Gramenz & Friends-Singer/Songwriter Music and Lyrics