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Apéros Bordeaux on 10.09. for the first time in Frankfurt

Apéros Bordeaux on 10.09. for the first time in Frankfurt

Category: More

With Apéros Bordeaux we ring in the end of the day with French savoir-vivre in a relaxed atmosphere, a variety of Bordeaux wines and music by hip DJs. Chill-out, dance and celebrate with Bordeaux wines - that's the French way to end the day!

On 10 September 2015 the event series "Apéros Bordeaux" comes to Frankfurt am Main for the first time. In "The Cooking Ape - Event Forum" (Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz) the admission starts at 7 pm. The entrance costs 5 euros incl. a first glass of Bordeaux wine.

Apéro [?apero] = frz. colloquial for apéritif, is an expression of a lifestyle. In France, people like to meet for a "little glass" to end the working day with friends and acquaintances.

Five Ateliers - a journey of experience with all senses

Discovering the variety of affordable Bordeaux wines in a casual, uncomplicated atmosphere - that is the concept of the series of events, which has already existed for four years. With a "wine passport", which every guest receives in the "Bienvenue" studio, he can start his personal Bordeaux experience journey. It is, so to speak, the passport for the stops designed according to themes. In the "Photography" studio, you can have your photo immortalized against a dreamy Bordeaux backdrop and fun accessories, download the photos on the <link http: _blank> website and share them via social networks. The third atelier, "Smelling" enters guests into the world of aromas typical of Bordeaux. In the "Tasting" the focus is on the specific grape varieties of the Bordelais and the secret of

winemaking, the assemblage. New: the "Foodpairing" studio, where visitors can discover the challenge of tasting and discovering different wine flavours in combination with

dishes in a demanding but playful way.

Preferred admission with online registration

All guests who register in advance online at <link http: www.aperos-bordeaux.en _blank> will receive priority admission and can win one of 12 surprise packages with various wines and the coveted Apéros Bordeaux glasses for an aperitif at home


100 Bordeaux to Discover

The wines poured at Apéros Bordeaux are a selection of the "100 Bordeaux to Discover". Each year, 100 wines representative of the region, ranging from 5 to 29 euros, are selected to showcase the diversity from fresh whites and

rosés to fruity reds and noble sweet Bordeaux wines. The selection, including exciting food pairing tips, is summarized in the brochure "Simply Bordeaux", which is available free of charge on the website: <link http: de weine auswahl _blank>

Bordeaux in the City

September in Frankfurt is all about Bordeaux. In cooperation with 25 selected wine merchants and restaurateurs, various tastings and seminars as well as tasting events and discovery packages will be offered. Shortly, all details will be available at <link http: _blank> .

Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux

The Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB) was founded in 1948. It is the link for representatives of all sectors of the Bordeaux wine industry: viticulture, trade and brokers. The association pursues overarching goals in the areas of economics, research <x>ampersand</x> quality as well as marketing. In addition to these tasks comes the protection of the general interests of the industry, the protection of the growing area, the fight against counterfeiting and the development of wine tourism. It is led by a president who is elected every three years either from the ranks of the winegrowers or the merchants

Text from: segmenta communications GmbH

Bordeaux in the City
Eating in Silence