Since 2007, the Nature Conservation Academy of Hesse, together with MGH Gutes aus Hessen GmbH and the Association of Hessian Cider and Fruit Juice Presses (Verband der Hessischen Apfelwein- und Fruchtsaft-Keltereien e.V.), has awarded the GOLDEN APPLE once a year for exemplary services to the local orchard meadows. This year, the prize, which is endowed with 1,000 euros, was awarded for the fourth time during the cider festival at Frankfurt's Hauptwache. The festival, a homage to the apple, the cider and the cider city Frankfurt, has established itself in a few years as a fixed event in the calendar of events of the Main metropolis and is thus the perfect setting for this award ceremony.
From 22 applicants, the jury of experts selected Michael Wagner (42) from Büttelborn as the 2016 award winner. The trained gardener has been dealing with the subject of orchards for eight years. In 2012 he bought 25 apple trees, all rare varieties. In addition, he takes care of two very old apple trees and, as the first chairman of the fruit and gardening association Worfelden e.V., he is also responsible for the care of a 3,000 sqm fruit meadow. Wagner's commitment to the care and preservation of orchards is an absolute role model in nature conservation. Reason enough, therefore, to award him for it.
And so Michael Wagner was able to accept the GOLDEN APPLE 2016 from City Councillor Rosemarie Heilig today. In his short speech, the award winner did not only talk about his passion for his trees, from whose apples he also produces juice, wine and distillates. He also thanked his wife, who has supported him in every way from the beginning. would of course also like to join in the congratulations he then received from everyone.
For more info on the cider festival, visit: <link https: veranstaltungen s event apfelwein-festival.html _blank>
<link http: _blank>
Text from: Sebastian Betzold