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DWS and VDP honour first graduates at Prowein

DWS and VDP honour first graduates at Prowein

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Wine Culture Experts (IHK) | VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter Together with the German Wine and Sommelier School (DWS), the VDP launched the advanced training course for wine culture experts (IHK) VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter last year. The seminar series includes high-quality advanced seminars, in which the growing interest in professional communication on the subject of wine is combined with knowledge about the outstanding cultural asset. The ceremonial presentation of the certificates to the freshly graduated VDP.Wine Culture Experts (IHK) took place during Prowein at the VDP.joint stand. VDP.managing director Hilke Nagel and DWS training manager Johannes Steinmetz congratulated Ulrich Greis, Jan Kreutz, Michael Krömker, Carsten Kaßburg and Hans S. Thum. "We are happy to have trained expert VDP.ambassadors who have gained knowledge around the ideals of the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates, know its 100-year history and the 200 estates, and enjoy passing on this knowledge as well", Hilke Nagel is happy to say. The comprehensive brochure about the training VDP.Wine Culture Experts (IHK) can be found on the homepage of the Gastronomisches Bildungszentrum Koblenz Http:// or at VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter The VDP is the oldest and only national association of top wine estates in the world. 200 Prädikatsweingüter have self-imposed strict quality standards and benchmarks - from the grape to the cellar. The four-level VDP.classification pyramid adopted in 2012 defines the quality of their wines according to origin: VDP.GUTSWEIN, VDP.ORTSWEIN, VDP.ERSTE LAGE and VDP.GROSSE LAGE. The VDP grape eagle on each bottle capsule is the quality seal. It stands for a terroir-based and artisanal winemaking.

Text from: VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter

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