VDP.Weinbörse in Mainz
Jancis Robinson MW receives the VDP.Goldene Ehrennadel
Last Sunday, the Grande Dame of international wine criticism, Jancis Robinson MW, was awarded the Golden VDP.Ehrennadel for her services to German wine by VDP.President Steffen Christmann on the occasion of the opening of the 43rd VDP.Weinbörse. As one of the world's leading wine writers and one of the most influential personalities in the wine world, she has already been proselytizing her conviction for German Riesling with great enthusiasm for 40 years and has thus contributed significantly to its triumphal procession and its positive image change.
None other than Hugh Johnson, first recipient of this highest VDP.award, was the surprise auditor. Touched by his words, Jancis Robinson appreciated the Riesling in her acceptance speech again as "the greatest white wine variety in the world" with a great future. Especially the best trained young winemakers are an excellent investment in the future of German wine. She said she was pleased that German wine was significantly better today than when "I fell in love with it".
For the 43rd time, the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates. (VDP) organized the VDP Wine Exchange, the world's largest trade fair for German top wines. 182 VDP wineries gave a comprehensive vintage overview of their top wine collections. In total, the vintners presented 1,521 wines with a focus on the 2015 vintage, including 624 single-varietal Riesling wines, 196 Pinot Noirs, 92 Silvaners, 125 Pinot Blancs, 60 Pinot Gris, 28 Lembergers and 6 Frühburgunder. Whereby the VDP.GUTSWEINE dominated with 422, VDP.ORTSWEINE provided a pleasing 327 sample specimens and the excellent Lagenweine (285 VDP.ERSTE LAGE and 372 VDP:GROSSE LAGE) represented the fine top.
VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter
The VDP is the oldest and only national association of top wine estates in the world. 199 Prädikatsweingüter have imposed strict quality standards and benchmarks on themselves - from the grape to the cellar. The four-level VDP.classification pyramid adopted in 2012 defines the quality of their wines according to origin: VDP.GUTSWEIN, VDP.ORTSWEIN, VDP.ERSTE LAGE and VDP.GROSSE LAGE. The VDP grape eagle on each bottle capsule is the quality seal. It stands for a terroir-formed and artisanal winemaking
Text from: VDP.Die Prädikatsweingüter