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A look behind the scenes of regional companies at the Long Night of Industry

22.06.2018 | 20:47 Clock | Citywhispers
A look behind the scenes of regional companies at the Long Night of Industry
A look behind the scenes of regional companies at the Long Night of Industry
A look behind the scenes of regional companies at the Long Night of Industry

On Wednesday, June 20, the LANGE NACHT DER INDUSTRIE (Long Night of Industry) invited visitors to look behind the scenes of industrial companies in Frankfurt and the region for the 8th time. The 68th edition of the informative and extremely popular series of events throughout Germany took visitors to companies as diverse as FRAPORT AG, Binding, Mainova AG, Rothenberger Werkzeuge GmbH, Bayer AG and Samson AG. The aim of the series of events is not only to give interested participants a look at work processes and products that are otherwise rather hidden from the public. Visitors should also learn a lot about future-proof job profiles and attractive study opportunities. This makes the LONG NIGHT OF INDUSTRY particularly attractive for people just starting out in their careers and those changing careers.

From Industriepark Höchst, where participants were greeted with a short speech, buses set off on various tours, usually visiting two different companies each. One of the tours, for example, took some 45 visitors first to Kelkheim, Germany, to visit Rothenberger, an internationally successful tool manufacturer. The company had already taken part in the LANGEN NACHT DER INDUSTRIE several times in previous years and was particularly pleased to be one of the tours that was fully booked well in advance. After a brief introduction of the company, the various fields of work, training and career opportunities, there was an exciting tour of the factory floor.

In around 90 minutes, not only was a good overview provided of what is manufactured at this site and what professions are required for it. The importance of such a company for the region was also conveyed in an interesting as well as entertaining way. Then it was back on the bus and off to the airport. There, FRAPORT AG allowed an insight into the diverse work processes required for the smooth running of the airport during a tour of the airport.

Visitors of all ages, from schoolchildren to pensioners, were on hand for this year's LONG NIGHT OF INDUSTRY. Quite a few of the participants were "repeat offenders" who take advantage of this opportunity every year to gain insights that are not otherwise possible. But whether as an entertaining information event or as a promotion of young talent, the eighth LANGE NACHT DER INDUSTRIE provided important companies with an important platform that made it clear how important they are for the economic future of our region, which was also emphasized by City Councilor Markus Frank in his welcoming speech. We are already looking forward to the LONG NIGHT OF INDUSTRY 2019 and are excited to see which companies will then present themselves to the public for one evening.

More info can of course also be found at: <link https: _blank>Https://

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