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Caricatura Museum congratulates Hans Traxler on his ninetieth birthday with an exhibition

27.05.2019 | 07:43 Clock | Culture
Caricatura Museum congratulates Hans Traxler on his ninetieth birthday with an exhibition

It was unusual words with which museum director Achim Frenz opened the press conference for the new exhibition at the Caricatura Museum. Where he usually only welcomes journalists to the "most beautiful museum in the world", this time he added with conviction a "and welcome to the most beautiful exhibition we have ever had". The praise is directed at the works of Hans Traxler, which will be shown in the museum from May 27 to September 22. Why Frenz found such particularly warm words for this artist, who celebrated his 90th birthday a few days ago, is not only due to the two's long acquaintance, but also to the fact that Traxler is closely associated with the Caricatura Museum.

He created the moose that stands in front of the museum, visits every new exhibition shown in the house himself and, as a co-founder of the Frankfurt Neue Schule, is an integral part of the permanent exhibition. Now, for the third time, a major solo exhibition is being dedicated to him in Frankfurt. "Hans Traxler. Zum Neunzigsten" illustrates the wide range of Traxler's artistic work with 345 exhibition objects. "I always want to try something new," the artist reveals. In doing so, he says, it is important to him to have his own signature, but always wanted to avoid always being immediately recognizable.

On display are more than 250 original drawings, including the most beautiful picture stories from the out-of-print volume "I, God & the World" or from "Once Upon a Time there Was a Pig." But also various TITANIC exhibits and 33 original drawings for his new book, which is based on his childhood memories, are on display. These original drawings are supplemented with (family) photographs from the time. By means of an audio guide, visitors will be able to access the chapters on the drawings read by the artist himself.

An additional highlight will be the exhibition of five brand new works, the most recent of which was created in May 2019. In addition, the permanent exhibition, which was recently re-hung, is part of the special exhibition this time, as originals from his first book of drawings will be on display in the Traxler Cabinet.

The exhibition "Hans Traxler: Zum Neunzigsten", which is once again very successful, can be visited at the Caricatura Museum from May 27 to September 22. More info can also be found at: http://caricatura-museum.en/

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