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Frankfurt makes vaccination pace: Covid-19 vaccination action weekend at Frankfurt Vaccination Centre

24.11.2021 | 17:44 Clock | Service
Frankfurt makes vaccination pace: Covid-19 vaccination action weekend at Frankfurt Vaccination Centre

In view of the severity of the fourth Corona wave, the small prick seems to be the only way for as many people as possible to get the rising infection numbers under control. That's why the city of Frankfurt is also looking to expand vaccination services - including a Covid 19 Vaccination Action Weekend at the Frankfurt Vaccination Center. In Hall 1.2 at the fair, all those who want to be vaccinated can pick up their first, second or booster vaccination on November 27 and 28 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day.

Health department head Stefan Majer says about this special action: "The long vaccination action weekend at the vaccination center is another building block in our successful Frankfurt vaccination strategy. With the vaccination centre, the mobile vaccination teams and the doctors' practices, all three pillars are working flat out to further increase the number and range of vaccinations in Frankfurt. All together, we must now once again stop the increase in the number of cases and prevent an overload of intensive medical treatment capacities."

In addition to a significant increase in vaccination services provided by the established medical profession, the expansion of vaccination services should also include a further expansion of vaccination services initiated, organized and coordinated by the public health service. The public health department is working at full speed on this together with the aid organizations German Red Cross, Malteser Hilfsdienst, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe.

Health department head Dr. Peter Tinnemann says: "We are pleased that our vaccination offers have already been very well received in recent weeks. However, this also leads us to believe that there may be longer waiting times during the campaign weekend in the core hours. So please be sure to take advantage of off-peak hours as well. We will continue to work to provide a straightforward vaccination offer to as many people as possible, so that together we can all get through this winter well. That has been and continues to be our priority."

The focus for vaccinations continues to be on the most vulnerable groups. These include people who have been completely unvaccinated, people over 70 years of age, people with disease-related immunodeficiency, and health and care workers who want to refresh their protection with a booster vaccination.

Generally, according to STIKO recommendations, all people over 18 years of age can receive a booster vaccination. However, the STIKO also points out that this should be done according to descending age and that this offer also depends on the regional vaccination capacities. Those who would like to be boostered should therefore first contact their family doctor and ask about the possibilities for a booster vaccination. Anyone who does not have the opportunity to visit a GP surgery can get vaccinated at the Vaccination Centre at the Fair. Those who choose to do so, however, should expect longer waiting times, as the rush to the Frankfurt Vaccination Center is already high.

From Wednesday, 1. December, the Immunization Center Frankfurt will permanently increase its capacity with a regular expansion of opening hours from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., so that the required second and booster vaccinations can be given without having to cut back on the number of first vaccinations.

All vaccination services offered by the city of Frankfurt am Main at a glance are available at

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