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Klimargourmet 2.0: Digital actions on sustainable enjoyment and climate protection

11.09.2020 | 08:57 Clock | Citywhispers
Klimargourmet 2.0: Digital actions on sustainable enjoyment and climate protection

(ffm) It's all kicking off on Hesse's Sustainability Day: Frankfurt Rhine-Main is celebrating sustainable enjoyment and climate protection from Thursday, September 10, to Sunday, September 20 - and not just in the region, but for the first time also on the web. The program variety of the seventh climate gourmet action week combines online cooking workshops and real pleasures, digital tours and real discovery tours, experts in the live stream and farm animals to touch close.

"What brings restrictions in one place can open doors in another," notes Rosemarie Heilig, Head of Department for Environment and Women. "The actors* from Frankfurt Rhine-Main have taken up the challenge related to the COVID-19 pandemic and developed a multifaceted program that for the first time extends to the digital world. I would like to express my congratulations for this. In times of crisis, we must not forget that neighbourliness and cooperation, the protection of the environment and the climate are essential. Eating consciously is a big step - and it's fun, connects people and tastes good!"

Experts Advocate Awareness and Education

A thematic focus is on independent, regional and solidarity diets. Food co-ops, direct producers, urban gardeners and other initiatives show how they are involved and put the spotlight on local treasures in an enjoyable way. At the Cityfarm, the breakfast egg comes directly from the nest to the plate, the Dottenfelderhof invites you to join the direct producer, cyclists explore to what extent the city of Frankfurt is "edible".

The question of what individual current, local consumption decisions have to do with the global system and the future of the planet sparks an important discussion. Experts from academia, research, culture, and associations convey the connections. The formats range from guided tours of the exhibition at the Senckenberg Naturmuseum to a digital presentation from Fulda University of Applied Sciences and the annual learning workshop for schoolchildren. The popular climate gourmet exhibition cannot be shown this time due to organisational restrictions by Corona.

Zero Waste, urban gardening, vegan food: climate-friendly enjoyment is multifaceted

"Klimagourmet not only wants to convey how much pleasure sustainable enjoyment and climate protection bring, but also to impart knowledge," says Paul Fay, deputy head of Frankfurt's energy department and one of the initiators of Klimagourmet. "14 percent of the complete CO2 footprint of a German is due to food. The consciousness around the connections represents the basis for a sovereign nourishing way. Of course, this works especially well via an emotional and everyday topic like nutrition."

A meat-free diet is one of the most important features of climate-friendly enjoyment. Those who choose a vegetarian dish may do so for a variety of reasons - animal ethics, for example - while also mitigating their carbon footprint. The digestive system of a cow produces the climate gas methane. Fertilizers used in farming, the clearing of rainforests for animal feed - there are many aspects of meat consumption that harm the climate. Seasonal vegetables, vegan dishes, using leftovers and many more options protect the environment and the climate.

And if gourmets in Frankfurt and the surrounding area are already discovering climate-friendly, sustainable food, they can also collect and win climate points at the same time. In the Climate Alliance's challenge "Change the Future. Start today!", in which residents can take part via an online tool from Monday, September 7 to Friday, October 2, the city on the Main and Giessen will compete against each other in the discipline of climate and environmentally friendly lifestyles. The event will conclude with a picnic and awards ceremony in the winning city.

Further action is provided by the Climate Gourmet 2.0 program with tips, hacks and tricks for waste reduction, permaculture and international culinary arts. Workshops, tutorials, cooking shows both digital and analogue inform about the use of exciting herbs, spices, bitters, native and non-native plants. There will also be competitions, film screenings, a day with the bee and even a digital wine tasting. FES is introducing a CO2-reduced menu to its canteens with the Climate Gourmet Lunch.

Find more info HERE

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