The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
September 2024
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OLIVER POCHER - Der Liebeskasper - kommt nach Frankfurt

13.11.2023 | 08:17 Clock | Culture
OLIVER POCHER - Der Liebeskasper - kommt nach Frankfurt

Oliver Pocher is coming on 18.01.2024 with his new program "Liebeskasper" also to Frankfurt in the Süwag Energie ARENA and will bring a bag of good humor with him. He's had them all and lost them again. Why does everyone always make a fool of themselves and end up alone? And who's the bigger love bugger? Laura or the Wendler? Tom or Heidi Klum? Helene Fischer or her trapeze artist? Olli or Amira? Lots of questions. Clear answers. And everyone feels better afterwards. This event is a charity gala, with 50% of the proceeds going to the Amira & Sandy Fund. Boris Becker and the Wendler will share the rest.

Oliver Pocher is also coming to Frankfurt to the Süwag Energie ARENA on 18.01.2024 with his new program "Liebeskasper" and will bring a bag of good humour with him.

Oliver Pocher

"Der Liebeskasper kommt auch in deiner Stadt"

18. January 2024


Admission: 6:30 pm

Start: 20:00

Tickets are available at Ticketmaster:

Price: from 41,73 €

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