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Open Mosque Day in Frankfurt

02.10.2023 | 10:24 Clock | Culture
Open Mosque Day in Frankfurt

Mayor Eskandari-Grünberg welcomes the commitment of Frankfurt mosque communities

On Tuesday, 3. October, takes place for the 27th time the day of the open mosque. Nationwide, more than 1000 mosque communities invite to tours, lectures, exhibitions and personal encounters. Five Frankfurt mosque communities are also taking part. The day of action is organized by the Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany (KRM).

On the part of the organizers, the Day of the Open Mosque on the Day of German Unity is intended to express the self-evidence of Muslim life as part of German society. This year, it primarily provides an insight into Islamic prayer: "Prayer - reflecting, revitalizing, connecting" is the motto.

Mayor and Head of Diversity Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg appreciates the mosque communities' invitation to open dialogue: "The mosques open their doors to people in the neighborhood in the conviction that we can also counteract reservations with positive contacts. Through personal encounters, they make it possible to experience the diversity of our society. A large proportion of the communities are involved in community work with offers in health care, youth work and tutoring, social activities and sports. In this way, they strengthen peaceful coexistence."

The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Religion Monitor, the largest nationwide survey on religious issues, also recommends creating such meeting spaces. Religion is pluralizing and increasingly shifting into the private sphere, while at the same time the proportion of people who are unaffiliated with religion is increasing. Because the number of people with no connection to religious life is rising, skepticism and prejudice against religious diversity can increase, according to the study. However, dealing successfully with this diversity is of great importance for social cohesion. The Open Mosque Day is intended to contribute to this.

Participating mosques are listed on the Internet at zu finden. From Frankfurt, the following institutions are participating: BKV - Bildungs-und Kulturverein Frankfurt, Kriegkstraße 45-49, DITIB Central Mosque, Münchener Straße 21, Gamaat Bismi Allah, Sontraer Straße 5, Abu Bakr Mosque, Praunheimer Landstraße 19-21, and the Nuur Mosque of the Ahmadyyia Muslim Jamaat, Babenhäuser Landstraße 25.

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