Panoramabad reopens for bathers on August 2 from FFM Aktuell
02.08.2018 | 07:05 Clock | Service
Photo: BäderBetriebe Frankfurt
Of all things, during the summer heat that is currently attracting thousands to the swimming pools, the Panoramabad in Bornheim had to be closed for a few days at short notice due to a complete failure of the water treatment system. But fortunately the closure was not of long duration. Because despite the current holiday season, the technical problem could be identified and fixed last Monday after a six-hour intensive search by a specialist company.
Unfortunately, by this time the entire pools had inexorably run dry. The staff on site therefore began simultaneously with the repair work with the basic cleaning of the pools. The managing director of the BäderBetriebe Frankfurt GmbH, Frank Müller, thanks all those involved for their quick response and the speedy rectification of the problem, which enabled the doors to be reopened to visitors after just a few days.
So on Thursday, August 2, guests can expect not only a functioning pool, but also a thoroughly cleaned one. Opening hours during the last days of the Hessian summer holidays are daily from 10 am to 8 pm. From Monday, August 6, the regular summer opening hours will apply again, as published at Http://