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Raffle: 5 x 2 tickets for the Music Sneak in the lottery pot

17.06.2023 | 11:18 Clock | Culture
Raffle: 5 x 2 tickets for the Music Sneak in the lottery pot

On Saturday, June 24, it is again in the club of myticket Jahrhunderthalle: Surprise! Because the motto of the concert series is: a sneak preview as you know it from the cinema - only better: with music! All acts of the evening are secret in advance. Three up-and-coming talents play per show. The entertaining concert evenings offer musicians:inside a unique opportunity to present themselves in front of an experimental and unbiased audience.

Take part and win:

We raffle 5 x 2 tickets for the Music Sneak on Saturday, 24. June in the club of myticket Jahrhunderhalle.

To get into the lottery pot, you just have to send us until 22.06.2023 at 12 o'clock write an email with the subject MUSIC SNEAK 2023 to

From singer-songwriter to rap, electropop or blues rock, anything can happen there. And one thing is certain - the music of tomorrow plays here, which will perhaps rock the big stage under the dome the day after tomorrow! Host and moderator of the Music Sneak is probably the most charming word artist and slam poet of Frankfurt, Finn Holitzka. The Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt's reputation as the birthplace of rock'n'roll in Germany offers artists and guests alike the right setting for a great, musical surprise evening. The stylish 60s club provides an intimate living room atmosphere.

Admission: 7 pm // Start: 8 pm VVK: 18 euros // AK: 20 euros

Further information:

Terms of Participation:
People eligible to participate Participation is open to persons over the age of 18 living in Germany. Employees of myticket Jahrhunderthalle and Four Little Monkeys GmbH and their relatives are excluded from participation. Determination of the winners: The winners will be determined via a random generator ( The winner of the respective raffle will be contacted by mail.
A cash payment of the prize value and/or an exchange of the prize and change of the program schedule is not possible. Those who do not respond to the winning notification within 2 days will lose the right to their winnings. If this case occurs, a new winner will be determined.
The liability of Four Little Monkeys GmbH is, as far as legally permissible, excluded. No correspondence can be conducted about the competition. The legal process is excluded. Any taxes on winnings shall be borne by the winner. Winnings are not payable in cash. Participation from 18 years.

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