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Rally at the Rossmarkt: Frankfurt is colorful - also in the Corona year - UPDATE

26.08.2020 | 10:18 Clock | Citywhispers
Rally at the Rossmarkt: Frankfurt is colorful - also in the Corona year - UPDATE

Important UPDATE:

For the organizers, respect, love and tolerance are the values that connect us all on the dance floor - these values apply to them also in everyday life and of course also in this case. Therefore, the difficult but sensible decision was made to cancel this year's edition of "Love is our religion - Music is our language" for the World Day of Peace on 01.09.2020 at the Roßmarkt!

Similarly to the cancellation of the commemoration rally in early March, this decision was not taken lightly by those responsible, but concern for the health of the participants and their families and friends takes precedence in this case.

Original report: More and more these days, there is a feeling that society is divided and that even words cannot bring us together. In this situation, where social togetherness is actually needed, it is therefore enormously important that we all speak a common language again - perhaps the language of music? Therefore, it is great news that also in this Corona summer, on the occasion of the World Day of Peace on September 01, the rally LOVE IS OUR RELIGION - MUSIC IS OUR LANGUAGE may be organized.

This is about a respectful, peaceful coexistence, which is also possible with the currently unfortunately necessary distance and behind a mask. The rally is also in its fourth year to be a sign that the right to freedom of expression must not be left to the critics of the open society. Here, tolerance, love, respect and empathy are to be peacefully and cheerfully celebrated as answers to the hatred and mistrust of the current times. And so on Tuesday, September 1st, we will show our colors - for more tolerance and love, for a colorful Frankfurt and against hate of any kind! And you are all invited to contribute something. Whether signs, banners, colorful clothing, creative participatory actions. everything is allowed.

The organizers will let the music speak again this year. Because they come from the clubs of the city and on the dance floors of the clubs all people are equal! It has also already announced prominent Frankfurt speakers and artists who will be at this rally.

One thing is particularly important to the initiators in this unusual and difficult year: the health of all participants. Therefore, this time the event moves a few meters further to the more spacious square at the Rossmarkt, so that distance regulations can be observed. And to all visitors* the organizers address the following message: "Please think of yourself and others and come with masks, treat each other respectfully, keep the distance rules and protect yourself and others, thank you!"

If everyone participates - in dancing, but also in obeying the rules - the message of this rally can also be credibly conveyed: To show what life can look like in 2020, despite all the challenges: Without hate, without violence, without origin, skin color, gender or religion playing a role - but with distance and respect.

Because we are Frankfurt and #FRANKFURTISTBUNT

Tuesday, 01.09.2020 at Rossmarkt Frankfurt

14:00 to 22:00

You can also find more info HERE

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