Sondermann Award for Thomas Kapielski and Jan Böhmermann from FFM Aktuell
15.10.2016 | 07:32 Clock | Culture
Sondermann Association
Thomas Kapielski gets the Sondermann 2016 because for over thirty years he has presented edifying, amazing, enlightened and above all very funny things in word, image and sound. Be it as a professor of performance, as a proof of God or expert on "New Secessionist Radiator Paneling", as a photographer and object artist, as a regulars' table sociologist and lecture artist. An artist worthy of veneration, to whom fame was always more important than success. There is no doubt about his prize-worthiness. To use one of his exhibition titles, "De dingsbums non est disputandum."
The Sondermann Prize goes to Jan Böhmermann. When someone embarks on the obsolete enterprise of TV entertainment, someone who is still young enough to make something better, possibly meaningful, out of his life, it deserves our respect. That's the kind of man we want to promote.
The Sondermann Prize is the most highly endowed prize for comic art in Germany. Main prize winner Thomas Kapielski will receive 5000 euros, the eligible Jan Böhmermann 2000 euros. The prize will be awarded on 20:00 in Frankfurt's "Brotfabrik" in the course of a large, public gala. The prize winners will be present and will read from their works.
The gala will take place on 11.11.2016 at the Brotfabrik, Bachmannstraße 2-4, 60488 Frankfurt am Main
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