The official Frankfurt-Tipp Facebook account now has over 60,000 fans. The Frankfurt online portal thus consolidates its position as the top address for leisure, pleasure and culture tips in the Rhine-Main region.
For 19 years already, has been informing about everything that is going on in the city and region, for example about events, new openings of gastronomy businesses and leisure facilities and much more. What's on where - and what's on when? The website answers these questions on a daily basis, offering interesting tips not only for tourists and business people, but also for locals, who can thus discover their city anew or get to know it from a different perspective.
The current figures speak for themselves: top rankings on Google with over 10,000 keywords in the top 10, more than 204.000 page impressions per month and furthermore steadily growing social media channels with nowover 60.000 Facebook fans and subscribers as well as a thriving Instagram account with currentlymore than 17.700 followers.
"We are delighted that our social media offering has met with such a great response. So many followers are a great signal for our daily work and spur us on every day to give our best", says Michael Meckel, CEO of Trifels Verlag.
Björn Fritsch, Head of Marketing of Trifels Verlag, adds: "Facebook is, in addition to our website, an important channel to reach the people in our region emotionally and to interact with them".
In addition to the online portal and the social media presences, the print magazine "Frankfurt-Tipp Guide", which is available free of charge, has also become a popular source of information with its circulation of 25,000 copies. High-quality produced and thought up and made with love by locals, the guide offers tourists, business travelers as well as Frankfurt residents and people from the region short and crisp culinary tips, inspiration for leisure activities in the city as well as entertaining interviews and informative reports.
In combination with the established Frankfurt-Tipp social media channels and the print guide, now forms one of the widest-reaching and most attractive platforms for advertisers looking to expand their presence in the Rhine-Main region.
For questions about Frankfurt-Tipp and our services, our team is available at 069 2 99 99-150 and