Track construction in Borsigallee from FFM Aktuell
28.03.2017 | 07:48 Clock | Citywhispers
U-Bahns do not run as far as Enkheim / VGF deploys replacement buses
(kus) Track construction work on Borsigallee will interrupt service from Wednesday, 29. March, to Sunday, 2 April, the operation of the lines U4 and U7 in the Borsigallee between Riederwald and Enkheim. During this time, the U4 will travel to the "Schäfflestraße" station, the U7 to "Kruppstraße". From there to the terminus "Enkheim", the VGF will use replacement buses. From Monday, 3 April, the trains will run as scheduled again.
One closure, various works
The VGF is carrying out extensive works in Borsigallee. This includes the renovation of the Kruppstraße level crossing with renewal of around 60 metres of track. A further 120 metres of track will be replaced in the direction of Enkheim, as well as around 1,300 square metres of ballast. The VGF is also using the closure of the section to Enkheim to replace sleepers and partially renovate the points. Work will be carried out around the clock; in consideration of traffic, the level crossing will only be rehabilitated over the weekend from Friday evening, 31 March.
Fastest way in the timetable information
The timetable information at takes the changed timetable into account. The RMV service telephone number 069/24248024, which is available around the clock, also provides information about travel options.