Two thousand seventeen brings the farewell of Zweitausendeins from FFM Aktuell
06.01.2017 | 08:35 Clock | Favorite places
And again the Frankfurt cityscape has to say goodbye to a real institution. At the end of March, the last of the once 14 branches of the cult bookstore Zweitausendeins, which opened in 1974, will close. Since its founding in 1969, the alternative publishing and bookselling company has been responsible for some truly great publications and was the place to go for many when it came to curious or out-of-print books and records. The "Merkheftchen", the small-format Zweitausendeins catalogue, was regularly studied and scoured for special features. And a visit to the shop next to the Hauptwache multi-storey car park was actually always a great pleasure, because you could always find a special bargain or make new discoveries here. Whether books, CDs or films - browsing at Zweitausendeins was simply part of everyday life for many Frankfurt residents.
However, not least the increasing power of the online mail-order giants and the constantly changing buying behaviour of customers have now meant that the business can no longer be maintained. Although Robert Eglhofer, who took over the business from the head office in Leipzig in 2013, together with his partner Conny Künkel, who left in 2016, put a lot of money into maintaining the store and the entire team fought with a lot of passion and heart and soul against the impending end, sales were so sobering that a line must now be drawn with a heavy heart. And so Zweitausendeins in Frankfurt will be history from 31.03.2017.
Changes like this are inevitable and unfortunately also normality. But especially when such traditional shops have to close, which have also shaped the cultural life of the city for some time in their own way, then it is already painful. We therefore sadly say "Bye, Zweitausendeins" and wish all employees good luck and all the best for the future!
On the Internet, Zweitausendeins will continue to exist: Http://