The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Singles in Frankfurt - A city to fall in love with

Published Thursday, 28. October 2024 by Matthias Anrheiner
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Those were the days when fish were looking for their bikes at parties or people sat in front of large telephones at singles events in Frankfurt in the hope that someone in the room would dial the number of their table. In times of online dating, Tinder and the like, it seems very easy to find a partner - whether for one night or for life. But at the same time, the number of singles is growing significantly, especially in big cities like Frankfurt.

Are you actively looking for a partner in Frankfurt or would you like to meet new people in Frankfurt as singles? Then take a closer look at our topic special. From singles parties in Frankfurt to cooking classes to romantic places for the first date: Our Dr. Love has compiled many useful tips for you! Have fun with it and good luck for your search for the really big love or the indispensable buddy types ..

Events for singles in Frankfurt

Not all singles are looking for a partner or a partner. Whether you no longer want to be alone or just want to have fun with other singles, Frankfurt offers you a wide range of suitable events and events for solo artists. A few tips we have picked out for you.

Die Mega Single Party

In der Batschkapp steigt regelmäßig die größte Single-Party im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Auf über 2000qm erwarten Euch eine Mega Love Wall, Love Screening, Love Counter mit privaten Nachrichten, Mega Love Screening, Flirtbänder, Blind-Dates und vieles mehr. treffen.

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Cooking classes for Frankfurt singles

Cooking alone is no fun. Why don't you sizzle, whisk, stir and strain with like-minded people? Maybe you get as icing on the cake at the end not only a terrific menu credence but also find en passant your personal love happiness.

Salt seeks soup - At the beautiful Miomente cooking school in Bad Vilbel, singles who enjoy cooking and enjoyment can swing the wooden spoon together after the ice has already been broken over an aperitif.


Salt seeks soup - At the jumping dinner, singles who enjoy cooking and eating can swing the wooden spoon together after the ice has been broken over an aperitif. The blind date dinner event in Frankfurt: get to know 12 new friends over a 3-course menu

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Dance classes for singles in Frankfurt

Lay a hot sole on the parquet. If you want to learn dances that require a second pair of legs, you can also book singles dance classes at many dance schools in Frankfurt, including:

Tanzschule Wernecke

Tanzschule Wernecke

The dance school offers a particularly pleasant opportunity to get to know people or deepen existing contacts. The courses for singles and couples are becoming increasingly popular, as the well thought-out teaching methodology creates enough space for stimulating conversations between dance steps.

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Speed dating, hiking and co. What else is there in Frankfurt for singles?

Wandern für Singles in Frankfurt

Anders als bei vielen anderen Sportarten bleibt euch beim Wandern meistens noch genügend Puste, um ein angeregtes Gespräch zu führen. Wer sich so kennenlernt, kann direkt testen, wie es sich anfühlt nicht nur einen kleinen Weg gemeinsam zu gehen, sondern sich auf eine gemeinsame Beziehungsreise zu begeben. Schließt Euch doch einmal einer Single-Wandertruppe an! Angeboten werden verschiedene Touren im Rhein-Main Gebiet, bei denen Ihr zwischen 4 und 6 Stunden mit anderen Singles unsere schöne Region genießen könnt. Ein gemeinsames Einkehren in einer Location an der Strecke bietet zudem die Möglichkeit, die beim Wandern entstandenen Kontakte zu vertiefen.

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Frankfurter Frühstückstreff

On every third Sunday of the month, the participants of the Frühstückstreff meet at the Café Liebfrauenberg. Here, contacts are made over a shared breakfast, which are then intensified during joint ventures in Frankfurt. Also a good opportunity to make new friends.

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The most beautiful places to fall in love in Frankfurt

Of course, Cupid's arrow can hit you anywhere. But there are some places in Frankfurt, where it is a little easier to let the heart beat faster. It plays a role, of course, whether you want to get to know someone first, or whether you already have butterflies in your stomach and are looking for a place for a romantic date.

Walking in Frankfurt

What is more romantic than a nice walk? Frankfurt, especially with its green spaces, has some very atmospheric places to offer where hands can slowly nestle into each other and long glances can be exchanged - just please watch out for cyclists and other strollers ;-)

Volkspark Niddatal

Just for dog owners a nice place to socialize. But the spacious area with its meadows and woods is also perfect for a romantic trip into the countryside.

The Mainufer

Here it is especially worthwhile to stroll along the Sachsenhausen side. Not only is it a nicer route overall, it also offers the better view of the skyline - and it can be very romantic too.

The Lohrberg

Frankfurt's local mountain offers a wonderful view of the city - an extremely romantic place, especially at sunset. The flirtation can then be continued at the Lohrberg-Schänke over a shared drink or meal.

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The Iron Bridge

The many love locks are admittedly a thorn in the side of some Frankfurt residents. But if you are freshly in love, you will feel a very special romantic mood here, which you can hardly escape.

Romantic Cafés in Frankfurt

It's not uncommon for the first date to take place over coffee. If the chemistry is right, the environment is rather secondary, but an atmospheric location can definitely help to let the sparks fly a little stronger. Some particularly romantic meeting places for a first coffee date are:

Café im Liebieghaus

Both the two vaulted rooms and the café's picturesque courtyard exude a very cozy, personal atmosphere. Extremely charming - and the homemade cake is simply delicious.

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Bitter & Delicate

The salon next to the chocolaterie offers not only good coffee, but also very tasty cake. Mutual tasting not only spoils the taste buds, but also provides additional tingling in the stomach area.

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Amelie`s Living Room

In the small café with living room atmosphere, you quickly feel at home. Since it is then easier and more relaxed to concentrate on flirting. And if the flirtation was successful, you can also visit this cafe for breakfast together.

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Café Wacker

The branch of the traditional Frankfurt roastery in Mittelweg not only has a very beautiful interior, but also a charming courtyard. Here, the city noise stays outside and the romance can really unfold with a good cup of Wackers coffee.

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