The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
September 2024
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Brothers Grimm Festival - May 10 to July 28, 2024

The Brothers Grimm Festival offers an exciting program for the whole family consisting of musicals, plays and much more. The open-air theater experience attracts more than 80,000 enthusiastic visitors to the Brothers Grimm town of Hanau every year. The program includes the emotional musical "Die Gänsemagd", which deals with the themes of growing up, forgiveness and true friendship. The play with music "Sterntaler", which deals with the hope for miracles and the power of wishing, can also be seen in the amphitheater. The third fairy tale offered by the festival is "The Puss in Boots", the well-known fairy tale that tells the story of a clever cat and a dreamy miller's son in a humorous way. Frank-Lorenz Engel is also staging the greatest love story of all time in the "Grimm Zeitgenossen" series: "Romeo and Juliet". The "Young Talents" series presents "Tschick", a moving road story based on the successful novel by Wolfgang Herrndorf about identity and friendship.

All productions 2024 can be found here!


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Productions 2024

The Goose Girl

Musical with live band

Premiere: 10. May 2024, 7:30 pm

The award-winning author duo Franziska Kuropka and Lukas Nimscheck tell the story of two strong young women who question traditions and turn their world upside down. An emotionally charged ensemble piece with great melodies and lots of humor about growing up, forgiveness and true friendship.


Romeo and Juliet

Grimm Zeitgenossen

Premiere: 18. May 2024, 7:30 pm

"Romeo and Juliet" celebrates unconditional love, but also warns of the consequences of blind hatred and the effects of prejudice and enmity. Experience the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Frank-Lorenz Engel, about two young people who love each other unconditionally until death.



Drama with music

Premiere: 1. June 2024, 19:30

The poetic and imaginative play by Jan Radermacher and Timo Riegelsberger gives the fairy tale of the girl who collects stars a completely new interpretation. It is about hope for miracles, belief in the fantastic, the power of giving and the power of wishing.


Der gestiefelte Kater


Premiere: 8. Juni 2024, 16:00 Uhr

Erleben Sie die spannende und humorvolle Geschichte des cleveren Katers und verträumten Müllerssohn, geschrieben von Anja Kömmerling und Thomas Brinx, den Gewinnern des nationalen Autorenwettbewerbs 2023. Die Regie führt Nina Pichler.



Junge Talente

Premiere: 5. Juli 2024, 20:00 Uhr

 "Junge Talente" ist eine besondere Reihe der Brüder Grimm Festspiele. Hier werden junge Theaterschaffende in ihren ersten Berufsjahren gezielt gefördert und erhalten die Möglichkeit, sich in der Wallonischen Ruine einem großen Theaterpublikum zu präsentieren.


Rahmenprogramm 2024

Theater, Konzerte, Lesungen

10. Mai bis 28. Juli 2024

Das Rahmenprogramm verspricht auch in diesem Jahr viel Abwechslung und Unterhaltung. Einer der Höhepunkte ist der musikalische Kabarettabend „Frauen an der Steuer“ von Judith Jakob und Melanie Haupt am 21. Juni 2024. Das Duo präsentierte bereits im vergangenen Jahr ein erfolgreiches Kabarettprogramm über das Gesundheitssystem.


The complete program of the Brothers Grimm Festival

An overview of all productions and the entire program can be found at: