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Lantern processions in Frankfurt on St. Martin's Day in 2024

Infos and dates

Photo: ZebraDS, Wikipedia

Soon it's that time again, then cheerful crowds of children with often self-made lanterns move through our streets. The reason for this is the festival celebrated on November 11 in honor of St. Martin of Tours: St. Martin's Day.

The soldier Martinus saved a beggar from freezing to death by dividing his coat. It is said that after this good deed Christ gave him in a dream. Thereupon Saint Martin had himself baptized and was later even consecrated Bishop Martin of Tours. On 08.11.397 Saint Martin died. His burial on November 11 was accompanied by a large procession of lights. Even today, the name day is celebrated with lantern parades.

This custom is upheld by kindergartens and churches in particular. And so this year, before and after 11.11, many groups will once again parade through the streets with brightly colored and shining lanterns and light up the Main metropolis.

We have listed a selection of the parades taking place. If you are missing a lantern parade that should definitely be included in the list, simply write to us at and we will be happy to add to this special.

Lantern parades in Frankfurt & area


On Monday, 11. November, 17.30 pm, Catholic Church of St. Elisabeth (Kurfürstenplatz 29) in Frankfurt-Bockenheim: The ecumenical St. Martin's procession starts at the church, followed by the procession via Friesengasse to the Protestant Church of St. Jacob, Kirchplatz 9, where a fire, St. Martin's play and St. Martin's wreaths await.

Also on Monday, 11. November, 5.30 pm, Evangelische Heilandskita (Orthstraße 10) in Frankfurt-Bornheim: Parade through Alt-Bornheim, starting at the Heilandskita, then the parade leads to the Johanniskirche of the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Bornheim, Turmstraße 10. After the parade, a St. Martin's play with the participation of the Johannisposaunenchor will take place on the church square. Afterwards there will be a bonfire, with soup, hot and cold drinks on sale.


Monday, 11. November, 5 pm, Ecumenical family celebration in, in front of and around the Protestant Wartburgkirche, Hartmann-Ibach-Straße 108 in Frankfurt-Bornheim.


On Friday, 8. November, 5 pm, Church of the Evangelical Dornbusch Parish (Mierendorffstraße 5) in Frankfurt-Dornbusch: The parade of the Dornbusch parish starts at 5 pm at the church and ends there again with a St. Martin's play, fire and Weckmännern afterwards.

The St. Martin's Day celebration with lantern parade at St. Albert's Catholic Church (Bertramstraße 45) in Frankfurt-Dornbusch will take place on Monday, November 11 at 5 pm.


Monday, November 11, at 5 p.m., the Catholic Church St. Josef (Josephskirchstraße 7) in Frankfurt-Eschersheim is holding its St. Martin's Day celebration with a lantern procession.

In Frankfurt-Eschersheim, the Protestant Andreasgemeinde is organizing St. Martin's Day on Friday, November 8 at 5 p.m. with and from the Kolibri children's house with the participation of the Frankfurt Wind School with a St. Martin's play. Followed by a parade through the park.


The Protestant Nazareth parish is organizing an ecumenical St. Martin's parade with the Herz-Jesu parish in Frankfurt-Eckenheim. The service will take place at 5 pm in the Herz-Jesu church. Afterwards, horse and rider will parade through the streets of Eckenheim. Wind instruments will accompany the procession on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Frankfurter Berg

Frankfurter Berg: Sunday, November 10, 5 p.m., Catholic Church, Frankfurt-Eckenheim. November, 5 pm, Catholic Church of the Most Holy Trinity (Homburger Landstraße 387): St. Martin's celebration with lantern procession.


Frankfurt-Gallus: Monday, November 11, 5 p.m., St. Gallus Catholic Church (Mainzer Landstraße 299). The St. Martin's celebration begins in the church, followed by a lantern procession and a cozy get-together around the St. Martin's fire.


On Tuesday, 12. November, at 5 p.m., the Sta. Familia Catholic Church in Frankfurt-Ginnheim (Am Hochwehr 11) invites you to a St. Martin's Day celebration. The service will be followed by an atmospheric lantern procession, accompanied by music from the trombone choir of the Evangelical Bethlehem Parish.


On Monday, November 11, at 5 p.m., the St. Martin's celebration will begin in the Catholic Church of the Assumption (Linkstraße 64) in Frankfurt-Griesheim. Afterwards, there will be a St. Martin's procession with horse and brass band music, followed by a cozy get-together around the St. Martin's fire.

In the Catholic Church of St. Hedwig (Elsterstraße 18) in Frankfurt-Griesheim on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 5 p.m., the St. Martin's celebration will take place with a parade and get-together with a St. Martin's fire.

Monday, November 11. November at 5 p.m. in the Catholic Church of St. Anna (Am hohen Weg 19a) in Frankfurt-Hausen: Start in the church, followed by a procession, fire, barbecue and drinks.


In Frankfurt-Höchst, an ecumenical service will begin on Monday, November 11 at 5 p.m. in the Catholic Church of St. Joseph (Hostatostraße 12). From 5.30 p.m., the St. Martin's procession will start to Höchst's Schlossplatz, accompanied by music from the trombone choir of the Höchst Protestant parish. A large St. Martin's bonfire awaits visitors on the Schlossplatz, as well as St. Martin's waffles and punch at low prices.

Inner City

In Frankfurt's inner city, the St. Pauls and St. Leonhard daycare centers will celebrate an ecumenical St. Martin's festival on Monday, November 11. A St. Martin's play will begin at 5 p.m. in St. Leonhard and at 5:15 p.m. in the Alte Nikolaikirche. The joint St. Martin's procession starts at 6 pm on the Römerberg, led by Martin on horseback and accompanied by the trombone ensemble of the Frankfurt Wind School. At the end, there will be a St. Martin's bonfire with children's punch and St. Martin's men in Saalgasse 15-17, while the St. Leonhard daycare center continues the celebration in its kindergarten. The festival ends at around 7 pm. Further information can be found at


In Frankfurt-Nied: Sunday, November 10, 5 p.m., Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Oeserstraße 126): St. Martin's celebration in the church followed by a lantern procession and get-together with a St. Martin's bonfire.


Big St. Martin's bonfire in Frankfurt's Günthersburgpark: On 11. November 2024 from 6.00 pm, the children from the Günthersburg adventure playground will perform the St. Martin's story as a shadow play and a brass ensemble will perform. Food and drink will be provided with mulled wine, children's punch, crêpes and sausages.


Attention: All information without guarantee. The list will be added to in the next few days and updated if necessary.

Editor's note: In an earlier version, some incorrect data was listed. We have corrected the errors and apologize for this.]