The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
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Messe Frankfurt Calendar

St. Patrick's Day 2024 in Frankfurt & Rhine-Main

The 2019 season is sure to be another exciting year for the trade fair city of Frankfurt. In addition to annual highlights such as the Book Fair, Tendence Lifestyle and the Music Fair, the IAA Cars will once again be a guest in the Main metropolis in 2019 to make the hearts of all car fans beat faster. To give you a better overview of the trade fairs on offer in the coming months, you will find a list of all the important trade fairs in Frankfurt here.

March 17 is approaching - have you had any contact with St. Patrick's Day and have you already experienced Irish culture in our Main metropolis? Frankfurt, known for its cultural diversity, offers various ways to celebrate this traditional Irish holiday. In this special, we present the best Irish pubs as well as ideas on where to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in and around Frankfurt and where to find the right outfits.

Check back as we will be updating the list regularly.

Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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Valentine's Day 2023

You can celebrate Valentine's Day in a variety of ways in Frankfurt. Whether you attach a love lock to the Iron Bridge, conjure up a home-cooked dinner for your loved one, enjoy a romantic movie together at the cinema or end the day relaxing with a cocktail together - the city offers you a variety of ways to celebrate the fact that your hearts have found each other on this day.

A few special Valentine's Day highlights are:


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St. Patrick's Day - The Origin

St. Patrick's Day, which is celebrated annually on March 17, has its roots in Christian tradition and is closely associated with the person of St. Patrick. Patrick, who lived in the 5th century, is revered as the patron saint of Ireland and is known for his missionary work on the Emerald Isle.

The exact circumstances of St. Patrick's life are shrouded in uncertainty, but it is generally believed that he was born in Roman Britain. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. During his captivity, Patrick developed a deep spiritual connection and found solace in Christianity.

After six years of captivity, Patrick managed to escape. He returned to Britain, continued his religious education and finally decided to return to Ireland as a missionary to spread Christian teachings. According to legend, he used the three-leaf clover, the "Shamrock", to explain the Holy Trinity, which became a symbolic element of St. Patrick's Day.

March 17, traditionally considered the anniversary of St. Patrick's death, became a day of remembrance for Ireland's patron saint over time. In Ireland, people began public celebrations in honor of St. Patrick as early as the 17th century. Over the centuries, St. Patrick's Day became an integral part of Irish culture and was eventually celebrated outside of Ireland as well.

In the 19th century, Irish immigrants brought the custom of St. Patrick's Day to the United States. Today, March 17 is known worldwide as a day of green celebrations, with parades, festive events and the wearing of green garments as an expression of allegiance to this special Irish holiday.

Customs on St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is associated with numerous customs and traditions celebrated by people around the world. These practices range from religious lore to modern, secular celebrations.

St. Patrick's Day parades are a prominent feature of celebrations in many countries. The parades, which are often accompanied by festively dressed participants, not only showcase cultural aspects of Ireland, but also emphasize the diversity and pride of the Irish diaspora worldwide. The largest parade traditionally takes place in Dublin, while cities such as New York and Boston also host spectacular parades.

The most distinctive tradition on St. Patrick's Day is the wearing of green clothing to honor Irish culture. From the classic shamrock pin to all-green outfits, the color green not only symbolizes Ireland's heritage, but is also considered a good luck charm.

Traditional Irish music and dance play a central role in St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Folk music, bodhrán rhythms and Irish dancing are performed at festivals and in pubs to emphasize the cultural bond.

Many people celebrate the day with special dishes of Irish cuisine. Classics such as Irish stew, corned beef and cabbage as well as soda bread are popular dishes on this festive day.

St. Patrick's Day is often associated with the consumption of drinks, especially traditional Irish beer such as Guinness. Pubs and bars around the world host festive atmospheres where people reflect on Ireland's heritage over a glass of beer.

In Ireland and other countries where St. Patrick's Day is observed as a religious holiday, special services are held to honor the life and work of Saint Patrick.

Overall, St. Patrick's Day customs reflect the diversity of Irish culture and provide an opportunity for people around the world to celebrate together and express their appreciation for Irish identity.

St. Patrick's Day in Deutschland

Der St. Patrick's Day hat auch in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren an Popularität gewonnen.

In Städten wie Berlin, München und auch Frankfurt sind St. Patrick's Day-Paraden und Veranstaltungen mittlerweile fester Bestandteil der Feierlichkeiten. Teilnehmer präsentieren dabei oft traditionelle irische Kleidung, Musik und Tänze, wodurch die kulturelle Vielfalt Irlands erlebbar wird.

Viele deutsche Städte beteiligen sich an der grünen Illumination von Wahrzeichen und Gebäuden. Hierbei werden bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin oder der Kölner Dom mit grünem Licht erstrahlt, um die Verbundenheit mit Irland zu zeigen.

Der St. Patrick's Day bietet auch deutschen Irish Pubs die Gelegenheit, ihre Türen für Gäste zu öffnen und das traditionelle irische Flair zu zelebrieren. Hier können Besucher nicht nur authentische irische Speisen genießen, sondern auch bei einem Glas Guinness oder irischen Whiskeys den Tag feiern.

In einigen Schulen wird der St. Patrick's Day als kulturelle Bildungschance genutzt. Lehrer organisieren Unterrichtseinheiten über die irische Geschichte, Traditionen und Bräuche, um den Schülern einen Einblick in die Vielfalt der Weltkulturen zu bieten.

Insgesamt spiegelt die Begehung des St. Patrick's Day in Deutschland die wachsende Wertschätzung für kulturelle Vielfalt und den internationalen Austausch wider.