The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
March 2025
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Traffic information for Frankfurt and Rhein-Main

All important info, addresses and links

Main station, airport, motorway, RMV - Frankfurt is one of the most important transport hubs in Germany.

Here you can find the most important links and addresses about traffic in and around Frankfurt

Traffic situation in Frankfurt

- Road Traffic Authority Frankfurt

- Current traffic situation in Frankfurt

- Construction sites in Frankfurt

- All traffic cameras in Frankfurt

- All parking garages in Frankfurt

- City Map - Frankfurt

Traffic situation in the region

- Parking in Offenbach

- Current traffic news from Hessischer Rundfunk for Hessen

- Traffic cameras in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main area

- hr3-blitzerdienst für Hessen


important addresses:

Taxiruf Frankfurt

Taxi Zentrale e.G.
Schönstraße 22
60327 Frankfurt a.M.
Tel.: (069) 25 00 01
Fax: (069) 25 00 00

Taxi call centre 230033
Kurhessenstraße 95
60431 Frankfurt a.M.
Tel.: (069) 23 00 33
Fax: (069) 15 42 51 17

Tratax Taxi GmbH
Eschersheimer Ldstr. 533
60431 Frankfurt a.M.
Tel: (069) 50 68 28 25

Main Taxi Frankfurt
Berner Straße 11-15
60437 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 73 30 30

Velotaxi Frankfurt
Veloruf: (069) 715 888 55

Call a Bike Frankfurt
Hotline: 0 7000 5 22 55 22

Camping Frankfurt


City Camp Frankfurt
An der Sandelmühle 35
60439 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 57 03 32

Camping site Mainkur


Frankfurter Landstraße 107
63477 Maintal
Tel.: (069) 41 21 93

International Youth Hostel
House of Youth
Deutschherrnufer 12
60594 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 61 00 150

Youth Residence Kolpinghaus
Lange Straße 26
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 29 90 6 - 950
Fax: (069) 29 90 6 - 955

Whether it's the current traffic situation on the roads, public transport or train timetables, or the airport's current flight schedule - at you're always up to date.

You will be taken directly to the current flight schedules of Frankfurt Airport as well as to the journey planners of Deutsche Bahn, RMV and VGF.

Frankfurt Airport - Flight Schedule

- Airport Frankfurt Flight Information - departure/departure - arrival/arrival

Public transport (ÖPNV) and Deutsche Bahn

- Deutsche Bahn - Arrival and departure boards of all available stations

- Deutsche Bahn - Timetable and Booking

- Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) - Fahrplanauskunft

- Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (VGF) - Timetable for Frankfurt

You can find more information at TraffIQ - the mobility portal for Frankfurt.

The traffiQ service phone 01805/069 960 (0,14 Euro/Min. from the German fixed network, mobile phone prices depend on the provider) can be reached daily around the clock.

Night bus Frankfurt - a service not only for night owls

The Frankfurt night buses have been running every night from Konstablerwache since 13.12.2009. Most lines run every half hour. The airport is served hourly by the new line n81.
Timetables and more info can be found at

You can find info about the Frankfurt Low Emission Zone HERE

You can find out more about the Frankfurt Transport Centre HERE