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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Tattoostudio Hau(p)tsache

Hugo-Wolf-Straße 24 · 60529 Frankfurt am Main
069 59794322
info@hauptsache-tattoo-frankfurt.de · www.hauptsache-tattoo-frankfurt.de/

Opening hours

Mon., Thurs, Sat. by appointment only / Tues. 2pm - 7pm / Wed. & Fri. 2pm - 6pm / Sun. closed

The tattoo studio Hau(p)tsache, which was founded in 2006 and was previously located in Frankfurt Eckenheim, has been located in the Schwanheim district of Frankfurt since 2013. Owner and operator Stefan already looks back on 20 years of experience as a tattoo artist. Since 2008 he is also an active member of the DOT e.V. (German Organized Tattoo Artists e.V.), which has created the hygiene guidelines recognized by many health authorities in Germany as trend-setting, established and now even beyond a Europe-wide DIN standard "Tattooing - Safe and Hygienic Practice", which was published in 2020.

Stefan accordingly works strictly according to the current highest hygienic standards.
Stylistically, he sees himself as an all-rounder and has therefore not committed to a tattoo style.

In the tattoo studio Hau(p)tsache, all motif requests are welcome, whether large or very small, in color or black and gray.

To make an appointment or for a consultation, it's best to send an email to: info@hauptsache-tattoo-frankfurt.de