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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
March 2025
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Trifels Verlag GmbH

Gräfstraße 97 · 60487 Frankfurt
info@trifels.de · www.trifels.de

Opening hours

Gräfstraße 97

For 80 years now, Trifels Verlag has been an integral part of the German media landscape. Our claim is to combine tradition, regionality and social commitment with innovation and service strength.

Over the years, Trifels Verlag has developed into one of the largest telephone directory publishers in Germany and an innovative media company that is well equipped for the challenges of a modern information society and is constantly being further developed.

As a publisher of telecommunications directories, we publish some of the most important reference works in the communications industry with Gelbe Seiten, Gelbe Seiten regional and Das Örtliche - providing both a reliable source of information for users and an attractive advertising medium for advertisers.

In addition, we have been investing heavily in online media for more than 15 years. In both personal and business environments, online media has long since become an integral part of everyday life and is ubiquitous. For this reason, we do not offer just any online products, but only those of which we ourselves are 100 percent convinced. A team of outstanding professionals develops tailor-made online packages according to the respective needs of our clients - from website creation to online advertising and search engine optimization to contributions on social media channels. Our own highly successful portals - such as www.frankfurt-tipp.de and the associated social media channels from Facebook to Instagram - show that we know our craft. In addition to expanding our high-reach brands such as Frankfurt-Tipp and RheinMain4Family, we are continuously working on creating new platforms to connect small and medium-sized businesses with their target groups. These also include our large family fair "Festival4Family" and our consumer fair "Messe Rhein-Main", with which we offer exhibitors and advertisers attractive forums for their products and brands.