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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home

USA 2021 - mit Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alfred Molina, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon ...

Die Frankfurt-Tipp Bewertung:


Originaltitel:Spider-Man: No Way Home
Genre:Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Regie:Jon Watts
Produktionsland:USA 2021
Laufzeit:Approx. 148 min.
FSK:Ages 12+

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is unmasked: the whole world knows that the student is Spider-Man. This not only has huge consequences for his life. His aunt May (Marisa Tomei), his girlfriend MJ (Zendaya) and his buddy Ned (Jacob Batalon) also suffer from the revelation. Peter sees only one way out: he asks Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) for help. The magician is supposed to make the world forget that Peter Paker is under the superhero mask. But the moment Strange performs the spell, it occurs to Peter that he doesn't want May, MJ and Ned to forget his secret identity. But his meddling with Strange's magic has unexpected consequences, and Peter suddenly finds himself facing powerful adversaries from other universes...

It's so hard to think about "Spider-Man: No Way Home" without giving away important story elements. However, it's the surprises that make this film a true feast for fans. I will try to stay as spoiler-free as possible. Without going into detail, I have to say that it's been a long time since I've seen a screening where cheers and quivering applause could be heard. The film absolutely deserves both. Director Jon Watts drives to the conclusion of his Spider-Man trilogy quite heavy guns on - and still manages that his film is not overloaded, but in places almost feels a little intimate.

Tom Holland delivers his best performance so far in the MCU and may present the full range of his emotions. However, the audience also goes through this, because you can laugh heartily, sob unrestrainedly, be really happy and definitely also feverish. We can look forward - and this can already be betrayed on the basis of the trailers - to a reunion with well-known villains such as Doc Ock, played again by a digitally rejuvenated, once again great acting Alfred Molina, and Green Goblin, embodied by Willem Dafoe. He was already a nasty villain in Sam Raimi's films. But here he may be even a little more evil, where Dafoe had obvious fun.

The film creates very well the balancing act between fan service - and there is a lot of it - and further development of the MCU. After all, it lays the groundwork for the multiverse that will be at the center of the upcoming "Doctor Strange" sequel. It also paves the way for entirely new stories featuring Tom Holland's Spider-Man, whose story begun in "Homecoming" is really brought to a perfect conclusion here. I would like to say so much more, but I don't want to spoil for anyone the many wonderful surprises that "Spider-Man: No Way Home" has to offer. Therefore, only as a conclusion so much: The film has made me incredibly happy. It moved me emotionally, entertained me extremely well and also surprised me. Great story, perfectly applied fan service and a thrillingly told story - that's what perfect popcorn entertainment looks like. For me, one of the best films of the MCU and therefore also: absolutely worth seeing!

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Kino Trailer zum Film "Spider-Man: No Way Home (USA 2021)"