As a child you love to play in the small but nice park in the Nordend. But even as an adult, one is all too happy to visit the park. Thanks to the beautiful Cafés, which opened here about ten years ago, the Holzhausenpark has become a nice meeting place to let the end of the workday in the circle of dear friends. Even on weekends it is the perfect place to enjoy the sun. In a deck chair or on one of the comfortable Caféchairs, whether with a cool iced tea, a delicious coffee, delicious cake or sausages- here you can really enjoy yourself.
Since some time there is directly next to the Café also a new toilet facility. Their use costs a small fee, an enrichment for a relaxed Cafévisit is the facility but always.
Nice staff, a good selection of hot drinks and snacks, plus children's laughter and the beautiful Holzhausenschlösschen in the background - here you can really let your soul dangle. For us, one of the particularly nice places in the Nordend!
Text from: NordendPapa71