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The SCHIRN brings MAGRITTE to Frankfurt

10.02.2017 | 14:33 Clock | Culture
The SCHIRN brings MAGRITTE to Frankfurt
Paintings such as "This is not a pipe" or "The Happy Founder", but also "The Art of Conversation" or "The Voice of the Absolute" are probably familiar to most people - even if perhaps not everyone knows that they were created by the Belgian painter René Magritte (1898 - 1967). The Schirn is now dedicating the first comprehensive solo exhibition in Germany in more than two decades to this great Surrealist. The exhibition, which features some 70 works from the 1920s to the 1960s, was created in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou, Musée national d`art moderne in Paris, where this show attracted nearly 600,000 enthusiastic visitors. The works on display have been gathered from all corners of the world. They come from Berlin, London, New York, Geneva, Brussels or Melbourne. Divided into five chapters, the exhibition highlights Magritte's engagement with philosophy, addressing a question that could not be more topical: What is appearance and what is reality? In times of fake news and "alternative facts", a picture that seems to clearly show a pipe, but then claims that it is not a pipe, takes on a whole new meaning. Visitors are thus encouraged to engage with Magritte's reflections on the relationship between image and language and to question for themselves what we actually see in the pictures. At the same time, however, Magritte's examination of legends and myths surrounding the invention of painting is also addressed. The result is a very fascinating, but also challenging exhibition that is far more than a show of the work of such an important representative of Surrealism. A comprehensive catalogue has also been published to accompany the exhibition. This is a very worthwhile addition to the exhibition visit due to the illustrations of the works shown in the exhibition, as well as the very interesting scholarly texts. Anyone who wants to deal more intensively with the "Betrayal of Images" after walking through the show should definitely get hold of the beautifully designed catalogue. You can find more info about the exhibition and the opening hours HERE in our event calendar

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