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Apple cider ice cream at Cinelli`s Cinelli Design
Cinelli Design

Apple cider ice cream at Cinelli`s

Category: Cafes & Bistros
Hessian ice cream rolls in Frankfurt When "Eis-Papst" Luca Cinelli puts their heads together with "Apfelwein-Queen" Johanna Höhl from POMP to create new ice cream cream variations, new extraordinary ice cream trends come about. Freely following the motto "Can snacking be a sin"? creations around apple cider and apple cider vinegar were created in Cinelli´s ice cream studio in MyZeil.

The ingredients for the new apple cider ice cream are the popular Speyerling apple cider, fruit ice cream to taste, and garnishes of blueberries, finely sliced apples and small pretzels. For gourmets among the "sweet tooth", Dr. Höhl's apple cider ice cream offers an extravagant flavor. The sweet and sour organic apple cider vinegar with recipe 1779, is mixed with milk ice cream, yogurt and honey and spread wafer-thin on a 30-degree cold plate - similar to a Crêpes. Depending on the recipe, apples are then chopped up in a flash with two spatulas and a lot of manual dexterity on top, mixed with the ice cream mixture, smoothed out again and scraped into delicate rolls. And it's even healthy. Apple cider vinegar, for example, is an indispensable aid for diabetes. Also with high cholesterol values the apple cider vinegar intervenes regulating. Furthermore, it activates digestion, and losing weight without apple cider vinegar would be almost unthinkable nowadays. "We have created the quadrature of the circle, uniquely delicious and health to suck," are Johanna Höhl and Luca Cinelli, who are pleased with the new "Hesseneis varieties" once again stand out from other ice cream parlors.

Text from: Sven Müller PR & Live-Kommunikation

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