&tx_frankfurttippgeniessertipp_pi1[geniessertipp_uid]= Indulgence in a special ambience - The Restaurant Opera
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Indulgence in a special ambience - The Restaurant Opera Photo: Restaurant Opera
Photo: Restaurant Opera

Indulgence in a special ambience - The Restaurant Opera

Category: Restaurants

When you first enter the restaurant in the Alte Oper, you may find it hard to take your eyes off the majestic-looking ceiling murals and fine interior. But there is not only something for the eye here. Guests are also served real culinary delights here, for a business lunch, a relaxed lunch or dinner before a concert. Around 100 people can be catered for here, and the beautiful summer terrace can accommodate as many more.

On weekends, the Opera restaurant is particularly popular. On Saturday, the popular Jause with Bavarian specialties is offered here from 11 am to 3 pm. The perfect way to fortify yourself for the Saturday shopping madness. The Jause costs 28 ampeuros; per person (including a freshly tapped beer or a glass of Prosecco). Children under 6 don't have to pay anything, and children between 6 and 12 are half price.

But the real highlight is Sunday, with its excellent brunch. For more than 17 years now, the Opera restaurant has been one of the city's premier brunch addresses. For 42 € per person remain here really hardly brunch wishes open. Rolls, bread, croissants, egg dishes, fish specialties, pasta, meat and much more are on the extensive menu. From sweet to hearty, everything is on offer here - and in a truly unbeatable ambience. This enjoys such great popularity that prior reservations are definitely advisable.

Opening hours: Mon - Fri 12 - 3 pm + from 6 pm

Snack: Saturdays from 11am - 3pm, 28 ampersandeuro; per person (incl. of a freshly tapped beer or a glass of prosecco).
All other drinks are charged according to consumption.
Children under 6 accompany you for free
Children from 6 to 12 pay half
Children 12 and over pay full price

Brunch: Sundays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 42 ampersandeuros; per person (includes. breakfast juices provided on the buffet, coffee and a glass of Prosecco at the reception).
All other drinks are charged according to consumption.
Children under 6 accompany you free
Children 6 to 12 pay half price
Children 12 and over pay full price

Address: Opernplatz 1, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

Find more info at: https://www.kuffler.de/en/frankfurt/restaurant-opera/

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