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34th Frankfurt Easter Market again a great success

06.03.2018 | 08:47 Clock | Citywhispers
34th Frankfurt Easter Market again a great success

Great joy reigned at the weekend for the volunteer organizers of the 34th Frankfurt Easter Market: around 3000 visitors came to the Doinikanerkloster at the weekend to marvel at, buy and enjoy the offerings of the 60 exhibitors. The selection ranged from elaborately and artistically designed Easter eggs to flower arrangements, handicrafts, glass art and creative paper or felt work. World confectioner Bernd Siefert also tempted visitors with sweet treats. At the same time, the "Frankfurt Easter Market" is for a good cause: <link http: _blank>The proceeds from admission and booth fees go to the DMSG Hesse and local MS self-help groups.

Organizer Käte Westphal could draw an all-round positive conclusion at the end of the two-day event: "We had a great and enormous rush with 3000 visitors. That was just great". She was particularly pleased that many new visitors discovered the Easter Market for themselves. The fact that the Frankfurt Easter Market was also a crowd puller in its 34th edition is due above all to the flair and dedication of the two organizers, Ingrid Bauer and Käte Westphal. For over 30 years, the two volunteers have been involved in the organization of the non-commercial artisan market. For several years now, Ingrid Bauer and Käte Westphal have been in charge of coordinating the Easter market, the proceeds from which go to MS patients in Frankfurt and Hesse. In her welcoming speech, Dagmar Spill, Chairwoman of the DMSG Hessen, thanked Ingrid Bauer and Käte Westphal for their many years of commitment: "One notices in the atmosphere and the wonderful selection with how much commitment you put the Easter Market on its feet and thus also support MS patients. You can also see in the handicrafts, with a lot of heart and soul they were made and designed."

But it is also really something very special, what one gets offered as a visitor at the Easter market. Especially when you can admire old, almost forgotten manufacturing techniques and their results. Such as at Daniela Pulwey's stand with her animal paintings on gossamer eggshells. "I appreciate the warm atmosphere here and think it's good that the Easter market is for a good cause," said the artist from Rodgau. Meanwhile, at the stand of Ursula Kähn from Frankfurt-Nied, everything revolved around "Grie Soß": poems and paintings about Frankfurt's national dish adorned Easter eggs in all possible sizes as well as tins and boxes. In addition, there was a wide range of arts and crafts to discover, such as porcelain painting, felt and paper work, pewter figures, ceramics, Easter flower arrangements, Thuringian glass art, cards and silhouettes. Homemade delicacies such as delicious marzipan Easter bunnies, chocolate eggs or chocolates at the stand of world confectioner Bernd Siefert from Michelstadt in the Odenwald will be tempting.

Also, some visitors took the opportunity to stock up on brochures at the information stand of the DMSG Hessen and to inform themselves about multiple sclerosis as well as the wide range of counselling, therapy and self-help services offered by the DMSG Hessen. In addition, local MS self-help groups took over the cash service and therefore receive a portion from the proceeds.

Also from our side a very big thank you to all volunteers for this again very nice Easter market!

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