Is there anything more beautiful than looking into children's eyes beaming brightly with joy at Christmas time? Much of that contagious childlike joy has been witnessed over the past five years at Circus Carl Busch's beautiful GREAT CHRISTMAS CIRCUS. Unfortunately, the reality is that not all parents can fulfill their children's Christmas wishes like a visit to the circus. Director Manuel Wille and his team would therefore like to thank the Frankfurt audience in a really nice way for making the GREAT CHRISTMAS CIRCUS a cultural highlight of the Christmas season with almost 40,000 visitors.
Under the motto "Christmas Eve at the Circus", 100 families in need will be invited to the 2 p.m. performance of the GREAT CHRISTMAS CIRCUS on Dec. 24, 2018. 500 free tickets have now been handed over to Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann at Frankfurt's Römer. Feldmann, who is also the patron of this charity campaign, expressed his enthusiasm for this wonderful opportunity to give an enchanting, magical Christmas to those families who would otherwise not be able to afford the tickets for such an event.
The distribution of the tickets will be taken over by the Frankfurter Tafel. Its 2nd chairwoman Edith Kleber was also present at the free ticket handover and praised this gift from Circus Carl Busch: "What a gift for Christmas, a visit to the Great Christmas Circus," Kleber said delightedly. "Children and parents are already full of anticipation. All the food bank kids are waiting with shining eyes to experience a great circus show before Christmas Eve and before the presents."
The Lord Mayor also took the opportunity to thank the Tafel once again for their commitment. The tickets were in just the right place at the Frankfurter Tafel for distribution, Feldmann said.
The GREAT CHRISTMAS CIRCUS will thrill not only children with a great new program from 14 December 2018 to 06 January 2019. <link https: specials great-christmas-circus.html _blank>We tell you HERE what exactly awaits you.