The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
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Events and campaigns around the "International Day against Violence against Women and Girls on November 25

21.11.2023 | 10:14 Clock | Citywhispers
Events and campaigns around the 'International Day against Violence against Women and Girls on November 25

Violence against women and girls is a violation of human rights. Every year on November 25, the "International Day against Violence against Women* and Girls*" draws attention to this global problem.

If we look at Germany, every third woman is affected by physical or sexual violence at least once in her life. Every day a perpetrator in Germany attempts to kill a woman, every third day a woman is murdered. Mostly by a current or former partner.

To illustrate this, these figures will be shown on info screens throughout the city on Saturday, November 25, from 3 to 9 p.m. under the motto "Fight FEMICIDE - every day".

In Frankfurt, attention will once again be drawn to the problem in various forms throughout the city.

The campaigns and events in Frankfurt at a glance
Banner "Respekt. Stop sexism." on the Eiserner Steg: from Tuesday, November 21, to January 9, 2024
The city of Frankfurt is once again sending a clear signal against sexual assault on women and girls. Four pink banners with the words "Respect. Stop sexism" and "My no means no". The message is printed in eleven languages.
Rally and demonstration "Fight FEMICIDE - every day": Saturday, November 25, at 4 pm on Goetheplatz.
The Frankfurt Alliance for Women's Rights, together with politicians, NGOs, trade unions, the Women's Department and the Women's Department, is calling for a rally and demonstration under the motto "FIGHTING FEMICIDE - EVERY DAY. NO to VIOLENCE against women* and girls*". The speeches will be translated into sign language.
"Orange the World": Saturday, November 25, from 5 pm
The Women's Department of the City of Frankfurt and the two Zonta Clubs Frankfurt are taking part in the worldwide campaign of UN Women and sending a signal against violence against women and girls. In Frankfurt, many buildings will be illuminated in the color orange on November 25, including the Paulskirche and the Alte Oper. Further buildings have been requested.

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