The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Line U4 on Sunday only on partial route

24.03.2017 | 15:38 Clock | Citywhispers
Line U4 on Sunday only on partial route

(kus) In the Bornheim Mitte station, technical parts must be replaced that ensure the traction current supply for the subway. The transformers, which weigh up to ten tons, can only be transported via the tunnel to the technical rooms located underground. Therefore, the U4 line cannot run as usual. It will only shuttle between Konstablerwache and Seckbacher Landstrasse on Sunday, 26 March.The shuttle train will also depart in the direction of Seckbacher Landstrasse from the platform in the direction of Bockenheimer Warte.

Passengers whose destination is Enkheim are asked to board the U7 trains in the direction of Enkheim at Konstablerwache. From Bornheim Mitte, tram line 12 will take you to the Eissporthalle, from where line U7 also goes to Enkheim. If you are travelling in the direction of Bockenheimer Warte, you can get on the U5 line at Konstablerwache, which will be extended beyond Hauptbahnhof to Bockenheimer Warte during the periods mentioned.

The best connection can be found via the timetable information on the Internet at <link http: _blank>

, which takes the changed timetable into account. In addition, the RMV service telephone at 069/24248024 provides information around the clock

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