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"Living Advent calendar" in Frankfurt's New Old Town

30.11.2023 | 10:08 Clock | Culture
'Living Advent calendar' in Frankfurt's New Old Town

On December 1, the first door of the living Advent calendar opens in Frankfurt's New Old Town. Locals and tourists can experience and enjoy selected cultural performances from windows and doors, balconies and arcades every evening between 6 pm and 6:30 pm.

Choir singing and dancing alternate with performances by personalities from Frankfurt's history and urban society. In addition, cabaret and dialect poems by local authors promise amusing and reflective moments in the sometimes hectic pre-Christmas period. The "Living Advent Calendar" will be opened on December 1 at 6 pm by City Councillor Mikael Horstmann. The Frankfurt Wind Philharmonic Orchestra will provide the musical accompaniment to the start of the Christmas season.

Further information on the "Living Advent Calendar" can be found at: and

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