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Mask obligation in Frankfurt will be extended

09.12.2021 | 16:55 Clock | Service
Mask obligation in Frankfurt will be extended

Regulations in the fight against the Corona pandemic will be further tightened in Frankfurt in view of the continuing rise in infection figures. In concrete terms, this means that an extension of the mask requirement will come into force in Frankfurt. Now, in addition to the Christmas market, mouth and nose protection must also be worn on other busy streets and squares in the city. The now eleventh general order of the city of Frankfurt, which includes this extended mask obligation, is valid from Saturday, December 11, up to and including December 24.

The mouth-nose covering may be removed for a short time on the spot for the consumption of food and beverages or for the consumption of tobacco products, as long as a minimum distance of 1.50 meters to other persons can be maintained without interruption or a suitable separating device is available to them.

The following regulations apply from 11.12.:

On working days in the time from 10 to 21 o'clock there is the obligation to wear a surgical mask or protective mask of the standards FFP2, KN95, N95 or comparable without exhalation valve (medical mask) for pedestrians on the following streets and squares:

Zeil including Hauptwache and Konstabler Wache, Liebfrauenstraße and Liebfrauenberg, Ziegelgasse including the western forecourt of Kleinmarkthalle dedicated to the public, Neue Kräme, Paulsplatz and Römerberg, Große Bockenheimer Straße, Biebergasse, Goethestraße and Schillerstraße;

Kaiserstraße and Kaisersack;

Leipziger Straße from Adalbertstraße to Basaltstraße;

Bergerstraße from Bornheimer Fünffingerplätzchen (Ringelstraße) to Höhenstraße;

Königsteiner Straße from Kasinostraße/Dalbergkreisel to Bolongarostraße.

Excepted from the obligation are the areas of seated outdoor restaurants.

For further information, the general order and maps showing the designated areas are available at All info and advice about vaccination is available at The health department provides information at about further questions around the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

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