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No April Fool's joke: Glaab's Grie Soß is back

01.04.2019 | 17:02 Clock | Culinary
No April Fool's joke: Glaab's Grie Soß is back

Last year, a new beer creation premiered and quickly became a hit: the seasonal craft beer Glaab´s Grie Soß. After the winter break, the time has come again as of today: the original interpretation of the Hessian cult sauce is available again in the trade and in the gastronomy. Under the motto "Schmägg die Kraft der siwwe Kräuder" the Kräuter Craft stands for Hessian power and is the perfect companion to the Hessian Green Sauce. The Kräuter Craft is available in the trade and in the catering trade in the 0.33L bottle.

On 06 June, the Grie Soß will be dedicated its own world record day, where a total of 231,775 servings must be consumed for the world record. The Glaab´s Grie Soß will of course be there!

Whoever has not yet had the pleasure of trying this craft beer should mark the 03rd and 04th of May thickly in the calendar: That's when Glaab´s Grie Soß, as well as other craft beers from Glaabsbräu, will be served at this year's Craft Beer Festival at the Goethe University Casino in Frankfurt.

The beer mix consists of 90% mildly hopped pale ale and 10% from the seven herbs of Hesse's Green Sauce. It features a mild finish and a pleasant herbal aroma. "Grie Soß is a great Hessian speciality. For World Record Day on June 06, Glaab´s Grie Soß is the perfect combination!" enthusiastically tells Brewmaster, Julian Menner.

The "Herbal Craft" is brewed just as sophisticated and special as all other beers of Glaabsbräu: Individually brewed to their own recipe, with all-natural hops and free of additives, chemical stabilizers and color beer, all of which are allowed in the Purity Law, Glaab´s Grie Soß is brewed with fresh herbs from regional suppliers.

Well, curious? Find out where you can buy Glaab´s Grie Soß in stores at:

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