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Plateau of the Großer Feldberg will be closed on the holidays

22.12.2020 | 11:20 Clock | Favorite places
Plateau of the Großer Feldberg will be closed on the holidays

Update: Contrary to the original plans, the plateau remains closed due to the high influx of visitors not only on the holidays, but throughout until early January!

After the Bescherung with the loved ones in the Taunus drive and enjoy the beautiful nature - that is with many again this year on the program for the Christmas holidays. Especially the Great Feldberg is an extremely popular destination - too popular for these times. Even on the wintry weekends before Christmas, simply too many people wanted to take a much-needed break from everyday life here, which meant that the access road to the highest peak in the Taunus had to be closed at short notice due to the high volume of visitors. And since straight for the holidays with a similarly large run must be counted on, the plateau of the large field mountain is closed over the coming holidays for the individual traffic. This means that in the period from 24.12. to 27.12.2020 inclusive, as well as on 31.12.2020 and 01.01.2021, access to the plateau will only be possible for local public transport (ÖPNV). The closure affects the turn-off to the summit from the L3024. Thus, the parking spaces on the Feldberg summit can also not be used.

The closure may also be extended if the adjacent roads are also congested. Should this happen, then the access to the Großer Feldberg (881 m) will already be closed at the access points "Rotes Kreuz and Sandplacken", eliminating further parking possibilities. This is the local authorities' reaction to the large number of visitors over the past few weekends and the resulting congestion of parking spaces. This action is necessary, because with the many people driving to the Feldberg, the traffic and visitor pressure on the Feldberg region has increased further. This is not only accompanied by traffic chaos around the Großer Feldberg, the access roads and various parts of the surrounding towns and communities - the environment also suffers from the masses of visitors. In addition, the distance rules to contain the Corona pandemic are sometimes difficult to comply with.

Because although the Corona virus does not spread as easily outdoors as it does indoors, the regulations adopted to contain the virus naturally also apply outdoors. This means that, again, only a maximum of five people from two households are allowed to be out and about. Keeping your distance and enjoying the beauty of the Taunus is of course possible. Only that should just not concentrate on a single destination. "The Taunus offers so many attractions that you can easily switch to other alternatives," explains the deputy office manager of the Taunus Nature Park, Carolin Pfaff. "Therefore, we advise visitors to the nature park to avoid the Großer Feldberg over the holidays."

Sarah Menzebach of the Taunus Touristik Service adds: "You should not reduce the Taunus only to the Great Feldberg. There are also beautiful hiking routes in the much larger Usinger Land north of the main Taunus ridge, which are much less visited than the Feldberg area." If you want to get some ideas for this, you can find them at the interactive online hiking guide at Here you can find many nice hiking tips also off the main routes and with hints to appropriate parking places. And many more tips for relaxing excursions in the beautiful Taunus can be found at

As beautiful as excursions into nature are, and as important as they are for physical as well as mental well-being, especially at this time of year, everyone should take care to protect themselves, other visitors and, of course, nature. Because unfortunately many humans mean also much garbage, which is not rarely simply wildly disposed of. Therefore, the self-made garbage should ideally be taken home again. There are actually only a few things that need to be observed so that everyone who wants to can enjoy a relaxed and safe Christmas walk or New Year's Eve run. But this works just really only if all adhere to these rules and do not focus only on the Great Feldberg as a destination.

So, just pick out a nice alternative - there are enough of them - and take care of yourself and your fellow man! You can also find more info at:

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