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The successful science podcast "Quarks Science Cops" is coming to Frankfurt

07.12.2023 | 20:20 Clock | Culture
The successful science podcast 'Quarks Science Cops' is coming to Frankfurt

The successful science podcast "Quarks Science Cops" is finally coming to the stage! The two science journalists Maximilian Doeckel and Jonathan Focke investigate unscientific nonsense in their podcast: Pills that make you slim all by themselves? Alternative healing methods that help with almost every illness? Cell phone radiation that kills us all? On 15.12.2023 they will be coming to the myticket Jahrhunderthalle CLUB with their live show. The box office opens at 7 pm. Tickets are available there for €38.

When miracle healers, climate change deniers and populist politicians spread false scientific claims on Instagram, YouTube or in talk shows, the Science Cops are on the spot! The Cops expose the tricks of pseudoscientists, pick apart their arguments - and even throw the nonsense tellers in jail at the end! Over 100,000 people listen to the podcast episode after episode - and now the Science Cops are investigating in front of an audience for the first time! In their live show, Max and Jonathan even switch to the dark side of the Force: fans can look forward to an exclusive guide on how to successfully launch a pseudoscientific product in just 7 steps! How can you give an ineffective "miracle cure" a scientific veneer? And how do you convince people of the effectiveness of this product even though there is zero evidence for it?

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