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60 carnival clubs make Frankfurt colorful in the fifth season

15.02.2019 | 18:39 Clock | Citywhispers
60 carnival clubs make Frankfurt colorful in the fifth season

(ffm) The <link>"fifth season" is now really picking up speed. A total of 60 carnival clubs ensure that the colorful hustle and bustle conquers the entire city during the foolish high season. Within each campaign, which the Frankfurt Grand Council of Carnival Associations, together with the associations, kick off anew each year and open on 11.11, both the sessions and the parades are traditional highlights.

What would the carnival hustle and bustle be without a real ruler? As early as November, the prince and princess are presented to the public before they finally and highly officially take the sceptre in their hands at the big enthronement session tonight, 15 February. With so much fun naturally also the young public may not come too briefly. The children and youth session offers the little fools a wild Sause - with a prince and princess in the young age, of course.

Among the almost 170 events around the carnival, the Rosa Cloudchen sessions are particularly shrill and dazzling. For a tolerant coexistence, more than 1200 guests, including many representatives from the homosexual community, celebrate Frankfurt's largest carnival party.

In the heart of the <link>Carnival season, the large parades then immerse the city in a sea of colorful costumes. In addition to the Children's Carnival Parade (March 2) and the Heddermer Original Klaa Paris (March 5), Frankfurt's carnivalists eagerly await the Great Carnival Parade, this year on March 3. Whether as a foot group or high up on a self-designed float: 92 clubs and associations parade through the streets under a specially chosen motto. Guards, bands as well as music groups, motif, joke and committee floats form a tumult of almost 4000 participants.

A day before, on March 2, the city hall is incidentally symbolically stormed and the existing order finally turned upside down. Because mayor Peter Feldmann then hands over the city hall key to the fools. Before that, the music group KUK at the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen already heats up fastnachtlich.

An overview of the entire Frankfurt carnival schedule can be found on the homepage <link http: _blank>

under the heading Termine verschaffen.

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