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Buy zoo tickets online now

24.06.2019 | 08:26 Clock | Service
Buy zoo tickets online now

You surely know this: It's nice weather, then also holiday time and the little ones have absolutely wanted a visit to the zoo. However, many other families had exactly the same idea and so a long queue quickly forms at the ticket office. For those who want to avoid this, the Frankfurt Zoo now has a new service on offer: day tickets for adults, children and teenagers as well as for families can now also be purchased conveniently from home or via smartphone.

Head of Culture Ina Hartwig sees this as a further step in the increasing attractiveness of this institution: "Visitors can now visit the Frankfurt Zoo more easily and conveniently. They can book quickly and thus save time - at the main entrance and in Rhönstraße. This promises satisfied users on the one hand, but also higher ticket sales on the other," says Hartwig.

"Our goal is to offer important municipal services digitally as well," says Jan Schneider, the department head responsible for municipal IT. "The Office of Communications and Information Technology and the Digitization Unit are happy to create the technical conditions for this."

At the webshop, day tickets are available for adults, for children and young people aged 6 to 17, for other people entitled to a discount and for families. One can print the tickets or save them on the smartphone. Payment is possible by credit card, Paydirekt (Mastercard or Visa) or Giropay. The online tickets are read at a separate checkout, which should eliminate long waiting times.

"We are happy that the online shop can now be used and I hope it will be well received. In addition, I am sure that the online tickets, which will also be accepted at the zoo's eastern entrance on Rhoenstrasse, will relieve pressure on our main entrance during peak times," said zoo director Miguel Casares.

The online shop can be accessed via the zoo's website http://www.zoo-frankfurt.deor at

The regular admission prices apply to online tickets: Adults 12 euros, concession holders/children and young people 6 euros, families 29 euros.

Schneider describes the cooperation within the city administration on the online ticket for the zoo as exemplary. "A standard product is used here, which can also be used for the implementation of other online services. Ultimately, we want to drive digitization in all areas of the city administration."

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