From 3 to 5. November 2016, there will be talks, panel discussions, workshops, events and presentations all about fashion and sustainability at the Museum Angewandte Kunst
Almost every self-respecting clothing manufacturer now has a Conscious line in their assortment. Designers disclose their production chains, trust in ecologically valuable materials and advocate humane production conditions. But how sustainable and origin-conscious are these offerings really? The production process may be increasingly sustainable, but this does not change anything about the fashion system, which seduces us into ever new consumption through a rapid change of seasonal trends. Is this principle still appropriate today? How can fashion be rethought? What are the consequences for the production of clothing and the materials used? And what possibilities for action do we have as individual consumers?
The Museum Angewandte Kunst is devoting itself to these questions on the subject of fair fashion from 3 to 5 November at the "Blickwechsel Mode. Fair Fashion Forum". Lectures, panel discussions, workshops and presentations invite visitors to engage in conversation with fashion and sustainability experts, reflect on their own consumer behaviour and consider alternative options.
The Fair Fashion Forum kicks off on Thursday, November 3, starting at 8pm with a clothing swap party. Guests can bring former favorite pieces and closet staples, swap them with others and put together a new outfit.
On Friday, November 4, starting at 7 p.m., process engineer and chemist Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart (EPEA International Environmental Research, Hamburg; Leuphana University, Lüneburg) will present his award-winning "Cradle to Cradle" concept, which he developed together with William McDonough. The concept envisages that products and production processes circulate in a cycle and are not only not harmful to humans and nature, but are actually beneficial. In his lecture, Prof. Dr. Braungart will explain how "Cradle to Cradle" can act as an innovation driver in the fashion industry along the supply chain.
Based on his presentation, the panel discussion "Sustainable Supply Chains in the Fashion Industry - An Illusion?" will start at 7.30 pm. Together with Prof. Dr. Braungart on the panel will be: Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute, Berlin), Noel Klein-Reesink (ekn footwear GmbH, Frankfurt), Michaela Reithinger (FEMNET e.V., Bonn) as well as moderator Ellen Köhrer (journalist and author, Berlin).
The designer Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow will present her expanded concept of design on Saturday, November 5, starting at 11 a.m. in the lecture "Beneficial Design. Creating Positive Fashion". For her, good design does not end with the completion of a product or a collection, but concerns the design of the entire system of fashion.
From 11.30 a.m., the panel discussion "Carrying on after fashion. Reflections on the Future of the Fashion System." Based on their respective activities, the following guests will discuss the realities and possibilities of the fashion system: Ina Budde (Design for Circularity, Berlin), Christine Fehrenbach (Head of Brand Development, Manufactum), Alex Vogt (Kern Kommunikation, Frankfurt), Silke Bolms (Silk Relations, Berlin), Dr. Kirsten Brodde (Global Project Lead "Detox my fashion", Greenpeace Germany, Hamburg) and Dr. Mahret Kupka (Curator for Fashion, Body and Performative Arts, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt) as moderator.
In the afternoon, children, young people and adults are invited to engage with fair fashion in various workshops, either theoretically or in a very practical way. Designers will report on their everyday work and open their studios, visitors will take up the sewing machine themselves and refurbish discarded clothing, and learn more about Green Sportswear, Fair Trade Gold or the Detox campaign of Greenpeace. The results of the theoretical and practical workshops will then be presented to all guests.
Finally, the Fair Fashion Forum will end with a closing party at the Konfuzius Franz.
Admission prices
Festival pass: 25 Euro, reduced 14 Euro (admission to all events + closing party at Konfuzius Franz)
Dress swap party: 5 Euro, reduced 3,50 Euro
Lecture Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart + podium: 5 Euro, reduced 3,50 Euro
Lecture Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow + podium: 5 Euro, reduced 3,50 Euro
Lecture Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow + podium + theory workshops + practice workshops: 12 Euro, reduced 7,50 Euro incl. Museum admission
Final party at Konfuzius Franz: 8 Euro
Thursday, 3.11.2016
Dress swap party
with DJ Team Kritische Zelle (Berlin/Frankfurt)
Admission and clothes drop-off from 6pm
Friday, 4.11.2016
Key Note Lecture
Cradle to Cradle - Innovation driver for supply chains in the fashion industry Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart
7:30 p.m.
Panel Discussion
Sustainable supply chains in the fashion industry - An illusion?
Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart (EPEA International Environmental Research, Hamburg; Leuphana University, Lüneburg)
Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow (Beneficial Design Institute, Berlin)
Noel Klein-Reesink (ekn footwear, Frankfurt)
Moderation: Ellen Köhrer (journalist and author, Berlin)
Saturday, 5.11.2016
11 am
Beneficial Design. Creating Positive Fashion
Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow
11.30 a.m.
Panel discussion
Continuing after fashion. Reflections on the future of the fashion system
Ina Budde (Design for Circularity, Berlin)
Christine Fehrenbach (Head of Brand Development at Manufactum, Waltrop)
.Alex Vogt (Kern Kommunikation, Frankfurt)
Silke Bolms (Silk Relations, Berlin)
Kristen Brodde (Global Project lead "Detox my fashion", Greenpeace Germany, Hamburg)
Moderation: Dr. Mahret Kupka (Curator of Fashion, Body and Performative at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt)
Workshops Part 1
- Redesign Workshop, Part 1, with Sarah Charlotte Bloch. Please bring clothes to redesign!
- Green Sportswear. Hip and sustainable. A contradiction? With Noel Klein-Reesink, ekn footwear, Frankfurt
- All that glitters is not gold - Fair Trade Gold, with Jan Spille, owner and goldsmith, Eco + Fair Trade Schmuck, Hamburg
- A globalisation-critical tour through Frankfurt city centre. Where can you find fair fashion in Frankfurt? BUNDjugend Hessen
- Revelations from the wardrobe - the Detox campaign of Greenpeace, with Dr. Kirsten Brodde, Global Project lead "Detox my fashion", Greenpeace Germany, Hamburg
Workshops Part 2
- Redesign Workshop, Part 2, with Sarah Charlotte Bloch. Please bring clothes to redesign!
- Good regional leather crafts. Visit to the Frankfurt studio of TsaTsas
- Upcycling jewellery, with Beatrice Anlauff, Fraktali - Atelier für VerwandlungsDesign, Frankfurt
- What are "cool" clothes today? With Johanna Eicken and Jessica Eckhardt, multipliers Development Policy Network Hesse
- Tischlein deck dich! Everything on the table. Experience jewellery and decorating yourself experimentally under the theme of sustainability, with Martin Steinhorst, state-certified designer, damascus steel smith, master goldsmith & Eva Suba artist, goldsmith, community studio MADE IN HANAU, Hanau
.6-7 pm
Presentation and discussion of the results
Followed by open evening with catering for further questions and discussions
at Confucius Franz
More info still available at: <link http: _blank>