Get together, enjoy a tasty Feierabendbierchen and enjoy the Christmas spirit with nice people: You can do that every day until December 22 on a building plot in the Gutleutviertel. Here, between the Holbeinsteg and the main train station, FRANKFURTER BRAUUNION, which was awarded the FRANKFURTER GRÜNDERPREIS in 2021, has organized a small, charming pop-up Christmas market, which will always offer not only FXXXXFXXXXR HELLES, the popular beer of the Frankfurter Brauunion, but also mulled wine and non-alcoholic beverages between 4 and 10 pm. Delicious snacks will also be served here on the wintry square.
"With the concept, we want to bring to life the next example of creativity and openness in our city. There have long been exciting places in the city that can be made accessible to the public with a new offer. What is new, however, is that there is now a demand from the real estate side to temporarily redesign placesneudeutsch: Placemaking. We are convinced that we are only at the beginning with this," says Sven Weisbrich, founder of the award-winning startup.
Tents have been set up and seating provided so that guests at the Feierabendkarré do not have to stand in the rain in bad weather. And a WC is also available on site. So nothing stands in the way of a relaxed end to the festive season in this atmospheric PopUp location. Whether as an alternative to the big Christmas market in the city center or as an after-work meeting place - a visit to the Feierabendkarrée you should definitely put on your to-do list in this pre-Christmas season.
Info at a glance:
Address: Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 30, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Opening Hours: From 18.11.-22.12.2022, Mon-Sun 16-22 Uhr