Gold to drink - a tribute to cider
(kus) From Friday, August 11, to Sunday, August 20, the Main metropolis will celebrate the Frankfurt Cider Festival 2017 at Roßmarkt. The official opening by Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann will take place on Friday, August 11, at 6 p.m.
"Visitors can discover the Hessian cider culture in full variety at about 30 booths. Press houses of the region present their products, including classic ciders, but also premium products such as Seccos, Rosés, varietal ciders and trendy cocktails made from apples," explained Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann. "To go with the special and, of course, the classic Schoppen, there will be delicacies such as apple wine bratwurst, tarte flambée with apple and many other delicacies and devotional items made from, with and around cider, in keeping with the festival," Peter Feldmann continued.
"Cider is part of the special cultural heritage of our city, it is based on tradition and craftsmanship. Cider is our national drink and it deserves such a festival", TCF managing director Thomas Feda emphasized. With cider, people come together in Frankfurt. People sit together, whether they know each other or not, at large tables and enjoy their Schoppen or a sweet and tasty Frankfurt specialties. The proverbial conviviality that is inseparably linked to the cider tradition is also appreciated by many Frankfurt guests and tourists. "Our Ebbelwei is an important tourist flagship and unique selling point for the city of Frankfurt am Main," explained Thomas Feda of TCF, which organizes the festival.
The cider goes down well: with young adults, older generations, scene-goers and conservationists. For all of them, the festival is an ideal meeting point to celebrate the Stöffche - together with an international audience.
<link https: veranstaltungen s event frankfurter-apfelweinfestival.html _blank>More info about this year's cider festival and the program can also be found HERE in our event calendar