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Frankfurt Christmas Market to take place in 2020

14.09.2020 | 15:09 Clock | Citywhispers
Frankfurt Christmas Market to take place in 2020

The late summer temperatures are once again scratching the 30 degree mark, at the same time not only Hesse is struggling with ever increasing Corona infections. Both are not necessarily reasons to think about the Frankfurt Christmas market now, which should actually start in about two months. But of course the question has long been discussed behind the scenes: Can the popular Christmas market take place at all this year - and if so, in what form? For TCF managing director Thomas Feda there is a very clear answer: It will definitely take place - if the infection figures allow it. However, there are still some questions to be clarified. Among other things, additional space would be needed for equalization. Because crowding through narrow aisles along the stalls may not be this year, of course.

Clearly, in its classic form, the Christmas market will not take place. But there is to be an alternative in accordance with the necessary hygiene and distance regulations, which will be unusual, but still atmospheric. The Christmas market was not the only, but one of the central topics discussed at a meeting of Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann with representatives of trade, gastronomy and other branches of industry, as well as the Economic Development Agency, Tourismus+Congress GmbH (TCF) and numerous offices and departments. After all, it is also enormously important for the city's gastronomy and tourism. But the meeting was also generally about possible projects that can be implemented either by the city alone or together. "We will intensively examine all proposals for their feasibility," promised the city leader and assured to carry them forward to the magistrate.

"We know that retail and gastronomy have hard times behind and ahead of them. The city doesn't want to leave them alone." The list of ideas on how Frankfurt can lend a hand to the business community is long - and the willingness to help is great.

City Councilor Klaus Oesterling announced that the currently valid special regulations for the expansion of outdoor gastronomy will be extended until April 30, 2021, so that large-scale seating can continue. With a view to the cold season, Lord Mayor Feldmann assured that he would talk to his colleagues in the magistrate's office about providing rain and cold protection for outdoor guests. For example, mushroom heaters, which should actually be banned for environmental reasons, will continue to be allowed.

In addition to many ideas that can be implemented, however, there are still many hurdles to overcome, because: "Some things are regulated by higher-level law such as the Hessian Building Code. Here we will probably have thicker boards to drill," Feldmann explained. He added: "I demand from all those responsible in the city administration and state government that pragmatism and solution orientation are the guiding principles of their actions!"

There are also ideas for the hotel industry! Free capacities are to be offered to Frankfurt residents - so that they can experience their city anew from a different perspective. The campaign "Guest in your own city", which has proven itself for years, is to be expanded this winter for this purpose.

Feldmann commented: "Personally, I am impressed by the creative range of ideas. We should check as soon as possible what is feasible and then prepare the implementation. Because Corona will unfortunately still be with us for a while. Therefore, we must strengthen trade and gastronomy together," said the city leader.

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