This Monday saw the opening of the Frankfurt Christmas Market. The Great Christmas Circus wanted to refine the atmospheric start to this somewhat different and unfortunately also very difficult Christmas market season: for the fact that the Christmas Circus has become a fixed institution in Frankfurt for several years with almost 40,000 small and large guests, the Circus Carl Busch would like to thank again this year with a special charity action: under the motto "Christmas Eve in the Circus", the Great Christmas Circus invites a total of 100 needy Frankfurt families to the 2 p.m. performance on 24.12.2021. As a patron for this action, which is now taking place for the third time, the Mayor of Frankfurt Peter Feldmann could be won again.
Press spokesman Sven Rindfleisch and Antonin and Helena Rapolli, two of the Circus' artists, handed over a total of 500 free tickets to Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann in front of the sparkling backdrop of the Christmas market. "Circus continues to enjoy great popularity among all children. However, we also know that many Frankfurt families cannot afford a visit to the Great Christmas Circus. With our charity campaign, we want to remedy this situation a little and also ensure that the eyes of children from socially disadvantaged families light up," said circus director Manuel Wille, explaining his commitment.
"Children from all social backgrounds must have access to education and culture - and also be allowed to experience special moments, especially at Christmas time," said Feldmann. "As a city, we could make an important contribution with free admission for children to swimming pools, museums and the zoo. Unfortunately, we cannot make an offer for a circus. Therefore, it is even nicer that the Circus Carl Busch again invites one hundred families and gives them a special Christmas gift. Of course, I have again gladly taken on the patronage for this charity campaign. I wish all visitors, big and small, an unforgettable experience," added the Lord Mayor.
As in previous years, the head of the city has placed the distribution of the tickets in the hands of the Frankfurter Tafel.